She has thrown away her political future by hypocritically backing Trump. She will never be accepted as the leader of MAGA nor the never Trump Republicans. Her decision will not attract Democrats either. She will be in the political wilderness.

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Do birds have spines? It doesn't look like it.

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If she does:

- so much for those high heels

- she’s all in, including the post election f’ery

- she is dumb as a rock thinking she has a future, that will be reserved for the men

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""There’s no reason to doubt her loyalty and willingness to help,” the source said. "

Ahh, the memories of hoping she wouldn't endorse.

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Appalling. None of her former followers are gonna vote for Trump if she joins his campaign after revealing how he much abused her, and how she went along with it. ZERO self respect is not a characteristic of good leadership.

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Apparently Nikki does get confused after all.

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Haley has no moral grounding. A pure opportunist.

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When Trump is dead or in prison, however long that takes to happen, are the middling, neo-con, Bulwark-y, prodigal Republicans going to remember this? Are you going to remember this when Haley runs as a 64 year old in the 2036 GOP presidential primary? When she wins said primary (yeah, I know, it's a stretch, but who the fuck knows that the world might look like in another 12 years) and faces Mayor Pete in the '36 general, will you remember that 12 years ago she chose this slimy, selfish fuckhead over her country? When she's promising to return the Cap Gains rate to 20% for the first time in over a decade and electing her all but GUARANTEES you an extra $75k in your pocket each year, will you remember that this phony, cowardly opportunist unapologetically ischose to side with the man who tried to overthrow our nation's democracy?

She's counting on your fickle pragmatism, your short memories, and your spine being as weak as hers. How many of you will prove her right and break my fucking heart?

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You probably don't need to be concerned about that. You are assuming, for example, that the "unhinged" one doesn't misuse the nuclear codes that would be given to him if he wins.

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I am pretty sure Nikki Haley has accounted for all that in her political calculations.

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Any politician is susceptible to miscalculating the political landscape. And politicians who are smart enough to know exactly who and what this fuckwad is and the danger he represents, yet still find ways to justify supporting him, are only demonstrating their incompetence and are living their political careers on borrowed time. They are more apt to stumble into political miscalculation than an average politician that at least has the ability to recognize, avoid, and denounce, the biggest buffoon in modern political history when she sees him.

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Don’t hold back! Preach, Brother. Preach!

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I am hesitant to upvote your remarks, but I too have pondered where The Bulwark founders and commentators will hang their hats in 4 years.I am furious at A.B.Stoddard for her wicked, Republican leaning remarks about the longshoreman strike a few weeks ago. She implied that people who work with their hands and backs don"t deserve a true living wage and they shouldn't strike because they already make plenty of money...I will never read or listen to anything that she produces ever again.Well time will tell how all this shakes out but I am glad that they are "Never Trumpers" at this point in our shared American Experience.

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Deep down, I'm an independent , a moderate and a plurarist. In order for this country to be at its best we need (at least) two parties that are acting in good faith and in the best interest of our country. I am willing to overlook those who backed Trump in 2016, sincerely hoping for a legitimate and positive change from a different kind of leader. I have a more difficult time accepting those who backed him in 2020, but I am willing to forgive people like Kinsinger who made a bad decision but have acknowledged it, denounced Trump, and are not trying to dodge the political consequences or make excuses, and who are working hard to set right the wrongs they abided. But now, after 10 years of indifference, incompetence, cruelty, racism, nativism, and attempted despotism, anyone still backing him, with all that we now know, is wholly and permanently morally unqualified to credibly participate in the our nation's politics. Nobody supporting him today can claim that they were blinded by false promises or hoping to remain a 'voice of reason' at his table. And unless a majority of the electorate, especially former Republicans, commits to permanently banishing these charlatans and opportunists from any political role, then everything we've suffered through will have been for naught.

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100% That woman is a total snob.

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Hahaha … That oughta help Mr. Unfit for Office, Birdbrain.

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As a military spouse I would find it reprehensible for Nikki Haley to endorse Trump after he insulted and disrespected the military service of Nikki Haley’s husband. If Haley can’t wait 4 more years to run cleanly w/o any association with Trump then she will prove once again that she will stoop to the lowest of the low out of personal ambition. Hey Nikki - if you show up at a campaign stop with Trump might as well dress as a canary and look for a coal mine or a bird cage. No one will trust you again, no one will believe you again, and you will render yourself unworthy of ever holding the highest office in the land. What did he promise you , Trump media stock? A bug ol’ shiny watch, how about some golden tennies, maybe an autographed copy of the bio-Melania, or just another bus for Trump to throw you under?

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Perfect fit if they are planning to oust Putin and make a run to lead Russia. Frankly both have demonstrated they cannot live up to the responsibilities required of a public servant who has taken the oath of office for our country. I’ve taken that oath four times on day one of various jobs I have held. It meant something to me then, it means something to me now as a retired federal employee and military spouse. We must do what we pledge to do for our country. It should always be COUNTRY over PARTY, as well as COUNTRY over AMBITION.

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How about Tucker naming her as his 2028 running mate??

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I am sorry, she is a skank.

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Haley is a stupid piece of slime with the integrity of a cat in heat. She won’t be bringing back any “disaffected Republicans.” They’ve had it with Trump.

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Hey, I love cats. I have five of them, three are rescues. But a female cat in estrus rolls around a group of tomcats like a biker chick.

I have an extremely low opinion of Indian-American conservatives in general and Haley in particular. No ethnicity has ever been a greater challenge to my determination to not be bigoted. Obviously, I work in IT…

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I was on board with everything you said, and then you had to go and drag cats into it 🙄

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What an absolute coward and disgrace Nikki Haley is.

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God fucking dammit

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I feel like the ads can write themselves. Juxtapose Haley's comments about Trump from the primary with Harris thanking her for telling the truth. Or juxtapose them against what Trump's been saying recently. I would guess this would neutralize her impact to some degree with gettable voters.

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yeah the women Trump campaign turned to hoping to bring in women voters says it all: Gabbard, Huckabee Sanders, Blackburn, Noem, Faulkner. all known for the art of persuasion, lol.

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