Tariffs will tank the dollar in a year or two, and we'll switch everything to crypto. The whole thing will implode, tho, when Musk wants to use his and Trump wants to use Trump Bux or whatever it's called.

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Saw Dr. Heather Cox Richardson on Facebook this afternoon, she was doing a live event in FL with Red, Wine and Blue. Ostensibly the event was for Mucarsel-Powell and other democratic candidates. Dr. Richardson has been crisscrossing the country for the past 14 months appearing at these type of live events. She said she didn't personally know the senate candidates she only knew them on paper. She talked about how important it was to keep the senate majority for democrats and how important it was to particularly vote out Scott. He is in line to make the leader and he is also very committed to implementing Project 2025. And then she said something that stopped me and I believe everyone else in our tracks, she said: "I am here for Abraham Lincoln"

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Letting RFG Jr. anywhere near any levers of power scares the beejesus out of me. The guy is a nut, crank and just plain crazy. Hopefully, we won't have to worry about that as voters send TFG permanently back to maralardo.

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Also, Ladapo is even crazier that RFK, Jr. , if that's possible.

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Agreed! As an older person. one of my biggest nightmares is that vaccines could be banned. That would be terrible for everyone, of course, including kids who could end up contending with measles and other childhood diseases, or even polio! And for us older folks, Covid or even just the flu can be a killer.

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"The brightest meteors flame out the fastest at Mar-a-Lago."

Trump is dull and has been around forever, got it.

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I love this stuff. Theres no fallow ground for Trump there. All the antivaxxers are already in the base. A strong majority of voters are in favor of manditory childhood vaccines, as they should be. People dont want their kids going to school with unvaccinated kids. Makes sense. Keep it coming.

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MAGA world is proof that just because you have money doesn't mean you are anything resembling smart

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They did it again - saying out loud what should only be said "among friends". Truth is, indeed, stranger than fiction, especiallly in Magaworld politics.

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Thanks Marc, great insights as always. Always trust Caputo Content.

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To your example if Trump is trying somehow to tariff that type of transaction he might flick Paxton off the planet like a piece of lint.

In all seriousness I think there will be all sorts of attempts on various zealot fronts. The (admittedly slim) silver lining is that so many of these people are really just grifters whose heart may not be in it to that degree. And who aren't above carving each other's throats out to get to the head of the grift.

At the tip of the spear is Trump, who cares about none of it. Just cash and the spotlight.

Much damage will be done. Much is underway already.

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Not if we VOTE.

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That'll help a little. Weave-boy is the least of it. The 30-35% who actually believe are the most of it. This is a long, long struggle.

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“Lutnick cut Bobby’s legs out from under him."

Well, considering what "Bobby" did to that poor whale, he should be thankful Lutnick only went for his legs. . .

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“Lutnick got over his skis,” a Trump adviser told The Bulwark. “He’s new around here.”

Aah, but then - so many, many of them are. . . "You run an ice cream stand? You told trump you love him?. . . lessee - How'd "Secretary of Defense" suit ya?"

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Musk must be out over the whole ski slope.

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I urge you to read Dr. Richardson today and to especially read the ProPublica article she cites about the murder of an 18 year old girl whose crime was getting sick while pregnant. Everyone knows who killed her and yet they congratulate each other with smug satisfaction that the law is working, don't you Ken Paxton and Greg Abbott

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I suppose since Josef Mengele is no longer available, Joseph Ladapo will have to do.

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I'm glad Marc works for The Bulwark so we have some inside access to MAGAville. I have no doubt he is on the side of the Constitution.

I noted the use of "tiff" and having read the entire dialogue somewhere, I was not very surprised that Marc didn't use a stronger word. He probably received another meaning from a Trump translator.

The warmongering narrative is one of Trump's consistent issues and a popular one. This dialogue reminds me of the "bloodbath" comment that was mischaracterized earlierin campaign..it is a MAGA-like response. GOP will provide enough rock solid examples of unAmerican behavior, no need to reach. Yes, I know Trump deliberately speaks vaguely and we believe he should not get benefit of doubt.

I think the better responses to this issue:

1. Why do we always need Trump Translator; we shouldn't elect an old man who cannot communicate clearly.

2. Trump doesn't get benefit of doubt when he hints about violence against anyone, especially a woman, because he started a riot, made jokes about Paul Pelosi, and is guilty of sexual abuse against a woman.

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"inside access" isn't necessarily good journalism; in fact, it's mostly bad

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But in political reporting - essential. Always with the caveat that both parties are using the other for his (and is is just about all "he" in MagaWorld doings.

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1) Didn't MAGA ask that same question about Biden. And yet like their complaints about Kamala calling t***p Fascist causing attempts on his life, they don't have a problem with this or with t***p calling Kamala communist, socialist and a few more things I wont mention.

2) t***p gets the "benefit of the doubt" from everyone, FOX to CNN

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Well said. I think one of the signs he is less competent than he was is that he isn't as good at vague, plausibly-deniable phrasing. Tough going for the MAGAs trying to defend the Liz Cheney comment.

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and the "oral sex with a mic. . . "

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You bring up a good point. Last week at MSG it was people whose home is a garbage-filled island. Wednesday, he was vowing to 'help' women in ways we're afraid to even ask about. Thursday it was a firing squad for Liz Cheney. And last night he outdid himself, simulating oral sex on a faulty microphone. He asked the fans, between raging outbursts, if they'd like to watch him beat up the fools backstage who didn't set things up properly for him.

Well, he certainly saved the best for last, we could say. However, the show can't be over soon enough for most of us.

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Make 14th Century medicine great again. Trump 2 will be a motley collection of grifters, cranks, anti-vax lunatics, far lefties kicked out of the D party, Code Pink types, weirdo billionaires looking for bailouts, and Russian assets.

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You forgot misogynists, although that is a universal, essential requirement.

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Useless chatter. To what end other than moral self congratulation while losing

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