We had a meeting with Theresa May at Chequers right after this famous NATO summit, and we were discussing a number of things when the subject of the Russian chemical attack on the Skripals, two Russian exiles, dissidents, And my opposite number said, you know, this was serious.
This was a chemical weapons attack on a nuclear power, meaning the United Kingdom. And Trump looked at Theresa May and said, oh, do you have nuclear weapons?
Welcome to Shield of the Republic, a podcast sponsored by the Bulwark and the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia. I'm Eric Edelman, counselor at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, non-resident fellow at the Miller Center and a Bulwark contributor. My normal partner, Elliot Cohen, is traveling in Israel today,

Note: This was recorded prior to the results of the 2024 presidential election.

With Eliot traveling, Eric welcomes John Bolton, former Ambassador to the United Nations, National Security Advisor to Donald Trump and author of Surrender is Not an Option and The Room Where it Happened. They discuss why Trump is so susceptible to the blandishments of foreign dictators like Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, and Kim Jong Un as well as his abysmal level of basic knowledge of how the U.S. government actually works and international affairs more broadly. They discuss the likely makeup of a Trump national security team in a putative second Trump term and what a Trump victory would mean for Ukraine and the future of NATO. They also discuss what a Harris team might look like and whether a Harris foreign policy would be a continuation of the Biden policies or whether it might be more reflective of the more Reaganite rhetoric she has used on the campaign trail. Finally, they discuss the two or three international security issues that Ambassador Bolton believes will require the most urgent attention from whoever wins the election.

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Shield of the Republic is a Bulwark podcast co-sponsored by the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia.

Discussion about this video

I keep running into the fact that Donald Trump was the first American President to ship weapons to Ukraine, while at the same time we were working to coup the Ukrainian government, putting Russia on notice that their interests in Crimea were being targeted.

So this idea that Donald Trump is such a constructive non-violent peaceful guy.

I wonder what John Bolton would say about the chances of a multi-lateral war to coup Iran during the next 4 years. And why didn't we do it when we were there in force in Iraq, or since?

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There is a thing I don't really understand about Dems and Bolton, even Edelman, and that is why is it such a thing to jump on about China and the Muslim Uyghurs, and why do we feel it is right to stick our noses into their Muslim troubles.

After Osama bin Laden and 9-11, and Israel's rabid genocidal Palestinians who devote the focus of their entire society to hate and murder, it appears to me that we are instancing a kind of preachy political correctness on China when they may well have the same kind of issues that terrorist Muslims create globally?

All we hear is how awful the Chinese are to the Uyghurs, but we never get in depth reporting on why that may be, we just use it to back up and foment more unreasoned hate towards China.

Perhaps it is reasonable, perhaps it is not, but it is very telling that we hear one exaggerated side of the story.

The same can be said of Xi who does have checks on his power, but not in the way we would recognize - and by the way, look at us at this point. China has like 4 times the population of the US and is about the same size. They are incredibly dynamic, and have grown rapidly and take care of their people from how it looks from here in the US. China has a huge Representative body, a parliament, that I don't know what they call, and they are very homogenous.

If I could I like to ask Bolton how this anti-China propaganda is not the US planning to meet the challenge ( i.e. not threat ) of China because China is on track to surpass us in education of their people and meeting their needs, while we exist in a completely different political space. We certainly are not doing as much or our citizens. Yes we can attract the smartest, richest people in the world to live and invest here beause we are so dynamic, but the result of that is a huge disparity in wealth and huge poverty.

What are we really fighting for? There is a similar story that can be framed for Russia as well. As an American I support my country, even if we are expansionist and hegemons, because all great powers do that. But at this point, with global warming and the immense waste of war it sure seems like we are all fighting in a burning house.

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Bolton is an uninformed fool on many matters, heard him speak on Northenn Ireland and post-Brexit trade. His opinions displayed a shocking lack of knowledge of history, but he was still willing to speak with absolute authority from a position of complete ignorance...someone who does this is not to be trusted on any topic...chancer.

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John Bolton is quite knowledgeable and experienced in national security matters. Whether one agrees with his approach or not, he is well worth listening to.

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Nov 7Edited

The ideal presidental ticket against Trump: Cheney Bolton 2028

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By the end of 2028, John Bolton will be 80 years old. Furthermore, I can't imagine him wanting to run for elective office. He prefers to be the brain behind the throne.

As for Cheney (I assume you mean Liz), I'm hoping she will take more overt leadership of anti-Trump conservatism in the coming year. We need someone to articulate a strategy going forward - a vision that we can all get behind - and I think she might be the only person who can do that.

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It would lose in a ridiculous landslide. Barely crack 10% in a primary. 99% of people HATE Cheney as a name, and rightly so given the Iraq war. This whole venture was a bad idea by Harris too.

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This is something I think the Democrats are wrong about. But Americans would not know because we are never told the truth about wars and international competition. We are always lied to or manipulated into war, but most wars have reasons and logic, and we need to signal our people that we need their cooperation, but not their opinions.

Iraq was smack dab in he middle of an entirely corrupt and inchoate Muslim "caliphate", and at the very least we went there to preemptively stomp on the anthill.

With all the world's problems now, imagine a nuclear Middle East. The thing I coud not accept about the Iraq war was that way it was executed - bombing civilian areas the first day because we thought we could kill Saddam, and then all the rest. We made plenty of mistakes and in that context mistakes means a lot of human misery.

Still Iraq was an improvement in US war-making from Vietnam which was the horror of horrors. And imagine without Vietnam where China would be across Southeast Asia. We tend to lump all Asians together in US society, but here in California where we have a lot of Asians there are huge differences. The Chinese that come to the US now are hugely rich and buying up houses and in some cases whole cities. Other Asian groups are not great fans of the Chinese, or course until we lump them all together as we do and attack them.

In the US defense is the watchword, and for any living system defense is primary, and in our country defense trumps ( excuse the word ) democracy, and it brings about a while political structure that most Americans do not like and do not want to accept.

And the plutocratic masters of our hegemony fight against democracy and equality, and do not like being given the mushroom treatment - especially now when the contract is being voided and American citizens' are placed last in consideration for at least 20 years now.

We are attacking China and Russia for doing in their way essentially what we did in the past.

What the story was with Krushchev coming to the US and we bragged about kitchen conveniences our people had, and washing machines, etc.

We should get a fair assessment of the differences between our different countries' systems, but Americans cannot be trusted to make right choices with respect to international relations, so our media keeps us distracted with noise and bizarre media.

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After nine (God have mercy) years of Trump in politics, "Trump's Stunning Ignorance" is like "Water's Stunning Wetness" or "The Bear's Stunning Habit of Defecating in the Woods."

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Bolten thought there was no one in the Democratic party left who could write lines about peace through strength.... I think there's a large group of Democrats many of who would agree with that line because many of us are centers we're not extreme left wingers on everything we care about the country we care about the environment we care about our allies, we care about secure borders we care about fairness in our nation and in the world.

I think maybe Mr Bolton has also possibly fallen victim to the constant propaganda and conspiracy theories that we hear in this country. One problem with the Trump mine said is that he has a hammer so everything looks like a nail to him. The problem with Democrats is that they have so many tools in the drawer and constituents to please that they don't govern with strength so frequently they pull out the wrong tool. We need some balance and common sense governing for ALL Americans with a long term view. Trump as we all know is transactional and shallow now surrounded by extremists so it5going to get ugly here and around the world while a few people get grossly enriched.

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We have peace through strength, what we do not have is domination and control which we get through war. We cannot just say we don't want war and ignore it without understanding the motivations and tensions. Funny how Bolton is now a Democratic hero when he was so vilified before in the media.

These failures of the Democrats are apparently more visible that the hidden dangers of the Republicans right now for many people.

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Why the eff is John Bolton being platformed?

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Seriously. John Bolton will go anywhere and everywhere to complain about how bad Donald Trump was and continues to be. But he skipped out on the first impeachment so he could save his material for a book and voted for Ronald Reagan's ghost or whoever the hell he supported over Biden and Harris. Dude's worthless and I wish he and his mustache would both go away.

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Great, there goes my hopium...

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