Has Charlie Sykes never read Stuart Stevens book? This idea that Dems were crying wolf all these years is completely refuted by an actual live Republican strategist.
Every now and then I'll listen to someone on the Bulwark talk about "off-ramps" for the GOP, bemoaning the fact that their former colleagues somehow still haven't figured what's obviously going on in the party. I think about all the times we called this stuff out, pointing to the obvious clues, but people like Charlie didn't take the off-ramp we could see plainly long before 2016.
Look, I'm thrilled they've left the GOP. I'm glad people like Charlie and Tim, JVL and Sarah all see now what we've seen for many years, but please don't lecture me on "crying wolf," it is very much like the projection today's MAGAs espouse and you should really think twice before throwing that stone.
I don't think calling racists or sexists as racists or sexists caused them to be more racist and sexist, they always were and always will be. When I was a younger woman working in a predominately male industry, the blatant and obnoxious sexist remarks were supposed to be tolerated if you wanted to be considered a good sport and "one of the boys". The few Blacks who worked with us were expected to accept funny racists jokes so they didn't appear uptight.
Rush Limbaugh was around before Carlson and he never pulled any punches. His show was all about white male grievance because they couldn't insist on being on top and in charge.
My point being, you cannot blame neo nazism on overly sensitive liberals.
T. "Swanson TV Diners" Carlson learned at the knee of his step-scions in San Diego that there is
"No embarrassment, no shame, no chagrin at being accused of..." after market chicken in the tin trays of convenience. The Swanson heirs had "...not even a lingering trace of anxiety that this might actually be bad for 'business', or status as a decent provider of 'wholesome food.'".
I remember watching the Repulican National Conventions prior to both of Nixon's "Southern Stategy" White House runs. They were clearly meant to send the barely subtle message (without the overt racism of the Wallace campaign, for example) that only Nixon could save the USA from degenerating into a non-White Supremacist society.
“Many on the Left seemed genuinely shocked that their charges of racism, sexism, and xenophobia did not seem to dent Trump’s popularity with conservatives. Only belatedly did some of them realize that this may have been, at least in part, the price they paid for crying wolf for decades.”
While I have no doubt that there are many conservatives who are not racist, sexist or xenophobic, Charlie is ignoring the use of racism by GOP presidential candidates at least as far back as Goldwater.
1964 GOP convention:
“Indeed, the “Party of Lincoln” was ripping apart before our eyes. Arizona senator Barry Goldwater … had tapped into a mother lode of voter anxiety about Communism, crime and especially civil rights….
Although ample evidence exists to show that Goldwater personally was not racist, he had allied himself with those who were….His campaign, however, set in motion an electoral realignment ….” (MS Magazine)
“By the next presidential election, in 1968, Richard Nixon smoothly adopted the southern strategy – he dropped the crude racism and replaced it with winks and whistles. The Republicans morphed into the white people’s party.” (History News Network)
Then came Ronald Reagan:
“When he went to Philadelphia, Mississippi, in 1980, the town where the civil rights workers had been murdered, and declared that “I believe in states’ rights,” he didn’t mean to signal support for white racists….
When he went on about the welfare queen driving her Cadillac, and kept repeating the story years after it had been debunked…it was all just an innocent mistake.
When, in 1976, he talked about working people angry about the “strapping young buck” using food stamps to buy T-bone steaks at the grocery store…the appearance that Reagan was playing to Southern prejudice was just an innocent mistake….
When Reagan declared in 1980 that the Voting Rights Act had been “humiliating to the South”…when Reagan intervened on the side of Bob Jones University, which was on the verge of losing its tax-exempt status because of its ban on interracial dating…when Reagan fired three members of the Civil Rights Commission…it was all an innocent mistake.“ (Paul Krugman)
Followed by George H.W. Bush:
“Lee Atwater, Bush’s campaign manager, heard the story and thought that Bush … should raise the (Willie) Horton case so often that voters would think of Horton as Dukakis’ virtual running mate, Atwater later said.
Bush delivered. On the campaign trail, he frequently brought up Horton and the specter of uncontrolled violent crime. He made references that Atwater had intentionally crafted to sow fear of black Americans while not sounding overtly racist to white voters.” (NBC News)
And finally Jeb Bush’s voter suppression in Florida in 2000:
“Thousands of black electors in Florida were disenfranchised in last November's election by an electoral system tainted by "injustice, ineptitude and inefficiency" a leaked report by the US civil rights commission says.
It accuses Governor Jeb Bush, the president's brother, and his secretary of state, Katherine Harris, of "gross dereliction" of duty, saying they "chose to ignore mounting evidence" of the problems.
The eight-strong commission … found that black voters were "10 times more likely than white voters to have their ballots rejected", and pointed to the use of a flawed list of felons and ex-felons to purge the voting rolls.
‘It is not a question of a recount or even an accurate count, but more pointedly the issue is those whose exclusion from the right to vote amounted to a 'No Count'," the report says’.”(The Guardian)
I am a fan of Charlie and of the Bulwark. It is hard to overstate the good they have done for the country (and for my sanity) these last few years. But for Charlie to characterize Democrats/liberals’ charges of racism as “crying wolf” is grossly inaccurate. At a minimum, the GOP has a decades long history of using racism as a political weapon.
Yes, Charlie, it's the fault of liberals that Trump was elected.
Because when we warned you that the Bush campaign spread lies about McCain having a black child to win the South Carolina primary was racist, we "overreacted."
When we pointed out how many mainstream Republicans gave quiet cover to birthers, we "overreacted."
When we pointed out Mitt Romney's good standing in the LDS Church -- a church that did not accept black men as priests until 1978 and one with questionable practices about women - we were "overreacting," not pointing out the canary in the coal mine.
Yes, yes, it's our fault that Republicans decided to go from bad to worse.
I guess it was also " overreacting" to call Ronald Reagan's campaign racist for decrying "welfare queens" and George H.W. Bush's campaign for their Willy Horton adds.
The Southern Strategy was born in 1964. In 1960 Kennedy carried the South. The Civil Rights Act, outlawing segregation in public accommodations, was passed and signed in July, 1964.
Disaffected voters in the South gave their electoral votes to Barry Goldwater in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina. The first time all of those states voted for a Republican presidential candidate since 1880.
The 1964 election showed Republicans the path back to power... by appealing to disaffected Southern white men.
Since the voting Rights Act was not passed until 1965 it is probable that very few black voters were able to vote in 1964 because they were still living under state laws designed to disenfranchise as many blacks as possible. The 1964 election returns were a wake up call for the Republicans
The Republican Party made this, the Southern strategy their chief election strategy in 1968 and thereafter. The racist Democratic politicians migrated to the GOP as well over time. There they found open arms and were rewarded by letting them keep their seniority and committee assignments.
So the tacit agreement between the disaffected (racist) South was that the GOP was to pursue states rights policies as a cover for their racist policies.
So it is perfectly true the Republican Party became fellow travelers with racists and bigots of every sort. Individuals like Bush and Romney may not have been personally racist but they did nothing to suppress the enthusiasms of the racists and bigot upon whom they had become dependent for power.
Racism and bigotry made the "Solid South" for the Democrats before 1964 and they have made the "Solid South" for Republicans ever since.
I guess Republicans decided that racists and bigots need someplace to go--- so it might as well be with them.
Linwood Holton was elected Governor of Virginia in 1969. He had a different plan for flipping the South: Restoring the Republican Party's strong record on Civil Rights. Richard Nixon had been part of that throughout the 1950s. (Lyndon Johnson had voted against every Civil Rights bill for 20 years, even while a Congressmen from one of the few districts where that would not have harmned hinm politically.) And Nixon made some steps in that direction; his "Philadelphia Plan" was the first major attempt at Affirmative Action in the United States. (It also had the nice -- for Republicans -- side effect of weakening the all-white labor unions that gave Democrats big support in urban areas.)
Also a plus for Nixon: It took him four tries, but he appointed Lewis Powell to the Supreme Court. We forget today that Powell had a very good record on Civil Rights; the Black Civil Rights activists in Virginia came to Washington to advocate for his confirmation. It was easy for northern Congressmen to be supportive of Civil Rights, but Powell was part of the Byrd Machine, which had installed him as the Chair of the Richmond VA School Board. Powell, a Democrat (the last person of the opposite party of the President to be nominated to the SC), had openly defied the Byrd Machine by opposing Massive Resistance, and working to keep the schools open in Richmond no matter what.
But Nixon went in the direction that others were headed in in the Republican Party. We forget that not just Goldwater, but Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush had both opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Carlson likes to refer to white people as "legacy " Americans. Here is an anecdote from a fascinating book, "African Founders", by David Fischer.
In the early 1700s, a young African boy was enslaved by Africans and whites, and eventually owned by a Quaker named Slocum, who let Kofi buy his freedom. He married a Wampanoag Indian.
Kofi became a prosperous whaler and trader. Yankees called him Mister Coffe Slocum. Coffe learned to read and write, keeping a journal that incorporated his African tribe's sense of right and wrong and duty to others.
The large family took the surname Cuffe. Some sons were farmers or store owners. Grandson Paul Cuffe owned a shipyard and expanded the family's trade. In 1811 a Cuffe brig became the first ship built and navigated by blacks to land in England. Paul Cuffe became a world leader in the effort to end slavery.
So my point is these black and Indian people are actually among the legacy Americans. We were always muliti-racial in fact, if not in governance.
Good story, but I find the idea of having to prove that the term, 'legacy Americans' shouldn't just be white people is beside the point that 'legacy Americans' is just code for 'real Americans' which is a bullshit notion at odds with our laws and higher ideals as a country. My neighbor was born in India. She married an American, moved here and worked hard to get her American Citizenship. She's every bit as American as I am, despite relatives who fought in the Civil War and a family name found in the officer corp in the American Revolution.
And please don't take that as any attack on you or your story. I absolutely agree with your point.
I agree. Every American is just as much American as every other American. I think Carlson was implying that whites created America. Legacy is a code for whites. But from the beginning, American Indians, enslaved blacks, and free blacks also created America.
The way my mindset works on that concept is that I can acknowledge it as predominantly true (while certainly not underselling the examples you mention) and then have to ask, "Now what in hell does that have to do with anything today?"
I mean, if tomorrow we uncovered George Washington's secret diary that proclaimed that America was being created by white people for white people, what should change? We founded the country to be open to all religions (or none). We fought a war and made it for all races. We then passed an Amendment that made it women as well as men. That last has been more than 100 years ago now. It is a country for everyone that is born or becomes a citizen. Nowhere in our documents, founding or otherwise do we give any special place to legacy. The closest you can get is that a President has to be a born citizen, and that doesn't have to have been to citizen parents.
Again, my rant isn't against you or anything you posted. Just Tucker and any concept that legacy has some kind of meaning in America.
Right, but it matters because it is the basis for maga mocking diversity and inclusion, and of course we have always been diverse. Maga creates its own meaning, as we see in book banning and threats to librarians.
The problem is that the Dems/Left weren't actually calling wolf.... and the GoP just kept getting more and more openly racist until today we have what we have.
It isn't about getting numb to be called something, it is about playing the situation so that (while you are what you are called and you are quite fine with being what you are) all the people who might actually DO something get numb.. and so they don't.
"“By 2000,” RealClearPolitics.com’s Carl Cannon wrote, “Calling George W. Bush a racist was the liberals’ standard operating procedure"
Remember that time the Bush campaign implied that John McCain fathered an illegitimate Black child in order to win the South Carolina primary? Somewhere along the way, Conservatives got this idea that only bad people can do racist things. It enabled a hell of a lot of amnesia when it comes to who benefited from letting the white nationalists do their dirty tricks on behalf of the movement.
There's additional faces to the alliances that contributed to modern movement conservatives, for instance, the alliance of Christians & corporations (see Kevin Kruse's 'One Nation Under God'), and it's proof of concept, Billy Graham. Slight turn of the face and it's those resentful of Jim Crow's loss and those opposed to the New Deal, essentially, they're just libertarians and theocrats.
The GOP must keep the votes of both radicalized and not to stay in power. Where they meet is in the numbness to racism.
If the Left caused the modern Right to go numb by calling them names, then it's true that the Right (or, the author of this piece) needs a much deeper understanding of racism. No one can make you racist, but they can encourage you to stop pretending not to be. That's Trumpism, the bouncing baby boy of movement conservatism.
Nice piece by Philip Rotner. I’m so happy the holidays are over and maybe some indictments can start to rain down. The phony electors seems like as good a place as any to start. Everyone involved in any way should go away for a long time. Let’s firmly discourage that sort of thing, bumbling or not.
Racists are 29% of the population.
Has Charlie Sykes never read Stuart Stevens book? This idea that Dems were crying wolf all these years is completely refuted by an actual live Republican strategist.
Every now and then I'll listen to someone on the Bulwark talk about "off-ramps" for the GOP, bemoaning the fact that their former colleagues somehow still haven't figured what's obviously going on in the party. I think about all the times we called this stuff out, pointing to the obvious clues, but people like Charlie didn't take the off-ramp we could see plainly long before 2016.
Look, I'm thrilled they've left the GOP. I'm glad people like Charlie and Tim, JVL and Sarah all see now what we've seen for many years, but please don't lecture me on "crying wolf," it is very much like the projection today's MAGAs espouse and you should really think twice before throwing that stone.
I don't think calling racists or sexists as racists or sexists caused them to be more racist and sexist, they always were and always will be. When I was a younger woman working in a predominately male industry, the blatant and obnoxious sexist remarks were supposed to be tolerated if you wanted to be considered a good sport and "one of the boys". The few Blacks who worked with us were expected to accept funny racists jokes so they didn't appear uptight.
Rush Limbaugh was around before Carlson and he never pulled any punches. His show was all about white male grievance because they couldn't insist on being on top and in charge.
My point being, you cannot blame neo nazism on overly sensitive liberals.
T. "Swanson TV Diners" Carlson learned at the knee of his step-scions in San Diego that there is
"No embarrassment, no shame, no chagrin at being accused of..." after market chicken in the tin trays of convenience. The Swanson heirs had "...not even a lingering trace of anxiety that this might actually be bad for 'business', or status as a decent provider of 'wholesome food.'".
I remember watching the Repulican National Conventions prior to both of Nixon's "Southern Stategy" White House runs. They were clearly meant to send the barely subtle message (without the overt racism of the Wallace campaign, for example) that only Nixon could save the USA from degenerating into a non-White Supremacist society.
“Many on the Left seemed genuinely shocked that their charges of racism, sexism, and xenophobia did not seem to dent Trump’s popularity with conservatives. Only belatedly did some of them realize that this may have been, at least in part, the price they paid for crying wolf for decades.”
While I have no doubt that there are many conservatives who are not racist, sexist or xenophobic, Charlie is ignoring the use of racism by GOP presidential candidates at least as far back as Goldwater.
1964 GOP convention:
“Indeed, the “Party of Lincoln” was ripping apart before our eyes. Arizona senator Barry Goldwater … had tapped into a mother lode of voter anxiety about Communism, crime and especially civil rights….
Although ample evidence exists to show that Goldwater personally was not racist, he had allied himself with those who were….His campaign, however, set in motion an electoral realignment ….” (MS Magazine)
“By the next presidential election, in 1968, Richard Nixon smoothly adopted the southern strategy – he dropped the crude racism and replaced it with winks and whistles. The Republicans morphed into the white people’s party.” (History News Network)
Then came Ronald Reagan:
“When he went to Philadelphia, Mississippi, in 1980, the town where the civil rights workers had been murdered, and declared that “I believe in states’ rights,” he didn’t mean to signal support for white racists….
When he went on about the welfare queen driving her Cadillac, and kept repeating the story years after it had been debunked…it was all just an innocent mistake.
When, in 1976, he talked about working people angry about the “strapping young buck” using food stamps to buy T-bone steaks at the grocery store…the appearance that Reagan was playing to Southern prejudice was just an innocent mistake….
When Reagan declared in 1980 that the Voting Rights Act had been “humiliating to the South”…when Reagan intervened on the side of Bob Jones University, which was on the verge of losing its tax-exempt status because of its ban on interracial dating…when Reagan fired three members of the Civil Rights Commission…it was all an innocent mistake.“ (Paul Krugman)
Followed by George H.W. Bush:
“Lee Atwater, Bush’s campaign manager, heard the story and thought that Bush … should raise the (Willie) Horton case so often that voters would think of Horton as Dukakis’ virtual running mate, Atwater later said.
Bush delivered. On the campaign trail, he frequently brought up Horton and the specter of uncontrolled violent crime. He made references that Atwater had intentionally crafted to sow fear of black Americans while not sounding overtly racist to white voters.” (NBC News)
And finally Jeb Bush’s voter suppression in Florida in 2000:
“Thousands of black electors in Florida were disenfranchised in last November's election by an electoral system tainted by "injustice, ineptitude and inefficiency" a leaked report by the US civil rights commission says.
It accuses Governor Jeb Bush, the president's brother, and his secretary of state, Katherine Harris, of "gross dereliction" of duty, saying they "chose to ignore mounting evidence" of the problems.
The eight-strong commission … found that black voters were "10 times more likely than white voters to have their ballots rejected", and pointed to the use of a flawed list of felons and ex-felons to purge the voting rolls.
‘It is not a question of a recount or even an accurate count, but more pointedly the issue is those whose exclusion from the right to vote amounted to a 'No Count'," the report says’.”(The Guardian)
I am a fan of Charlie and of the Bulwark. It is hard to overstate the good they have done for the country (and for my sanity) these last few years. But for Charlie to characterize Democrats/liberals’ charges of racism as “crying wolf” is grossly inaccurate. At a minimum, the GOP has a decades long history of using racism as a political weapon.
Well said!
Yes, Charlie, it's the fault of liberals that Trump was elected.
Because when we warned you that the Bush campaign spread lies about McCain having a black child to win the South Carolina primary was racist, we "overreacted."
When we pointed out how many mainstream Republicans gave quiet cover to birthers, we "overreacted."
When we pointed out Mitt Romney's good standing in the LDS Church -- a church that did not accept black men as priests until 1978 and one with questionable practices about women - we were "overreacting," not pointing out the canary in the coal mine.
Yes, yes, it's our fault that Republicans decided to go from bad to worse.
I guess it was also " overreacting" to call Ronald Reagan's campaign racist for decrying "welfare queens" and George H.W. Bush's campaign for their Willy Horton adds.
And Tucker Carlson leads the pack of racists every night, broadcasting
to millions of Americans. Is he Hitler's best friend and propagandist minister Gobels reincarnated? The Third Reich didn't
happen overnight. It was a well thought out plan, that destroyed the
German republic from within and
abolished free news, thought and
discussions like these. We must keep the lights of freedom and
liberty burning.
The Southern Strategy was born in 1964. In 1960 Kennedy carried the South. The Civil Rights Act, outlawing segregation in public accommodations, was passed and signed in July, 1964.
Disaffected voters in the South gave their electoral votes to Barry Goldwater in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina. The first time all of those states voted for a Republican presidential candidate since 1880.
The 1964 election showed Republicans the path back to power... by appealing to disaffected Southern white men.
Since the voting Rights Act was not passed until 1965 it is probable that very few black voters were able to vote in 1964 because they were still living under state laws designed to disenfranchise as many blacks as possible. The 1964 election returns were a wake up call for the Republicans
The Republican Party made this, the Southern strategy their chief election strategy in 1968 and thereafter. The racist Democratic politicians migrated to the GOP as well over time. There they found open arms and were rewarded by letting them keep their seniority and committee assignments.
So the tacit agreement between the disaffected (racist) South was that the GOP was to pursue states rights policies as a cover for their racist policies.
So it is perfectly true the Republican Party became fellow travelers with racists and bigots of every sort. Individuals like Bush and Romney may not have been personally racist but they did nothing to suppress the enthusiasms of the racists and bigot upon whom they had become dependent for power.
Racism and bigotry made the "Solid South" for the Democrats before 1964 and they have made the "Solid South" for Republicans ever since.
I guess Republicans decided that racists and bigots need someplace to go--- so it might as well be with them.
Harry, I appreciate the history lesson refresher. The dates of the switch of allegiance makes perfect sense but, alas, I can never remember the dates!
Linwood Holton was elected Governor of Virginia in 1969. He had a different plan for flipping the South: Restoring the Republican Party's strong record on Civil Rights. Richard Nixon had been part of that throughout the 1950s. (Lyndon Johnson had voted against every Civil Rights bill for 20 years, even while a Congressmen from one of the few districts where that would not have harmned hinm politically.) And Nixon made some steps in that direction; his "Philadelphia Plan" was the first major attempt at Affirmative Action in the United States. (It also had the nice -- for Republicans -- side effect of weakening the all-white labor unions that gave Democrats big support in urban areas.)
Also a plus for Nixon: It took him four tries, but he appointed Lewis Powell to the Supreme Court. We forget today that Powell had a very good record on Civil Rights; the Black Civil Rights activists in Virginia came to Washington to advocate for his confirmation. It was easy for northern Congressmen to be supportive of Civil Rights, but Powell was part of the Byrd Machine, which had installed him as the Chair of the Richmond VA School Board. Powell, a Democrat (the last person of the opposite party of the President to be nominated to the SC), had openly defied the Byrd Machine by opposing Massive Resistance, and working to keep the schools open in Richmond no matter what.
But Nixon went in the direction that others were headed in in the Republican Party. We forget that not just Goldwater, but Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush had both opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
I would just add that the Southern strategy appealed no only to white southerners but also to many northerners as well.
Agreed, hence the Confederate flags flying in R districts in Union states!
Whenever a GOPer invoked "states' rights" past 70s, Reagan included, I could decipher the encryption.
Carlson likes to refer to white people as "legacy " Americans. Here is an anecdote from a fascinating book, "African Founders", by David Fischer.
In the early 1700s, a young African boy was enslaved by Africans and whites, and eventually owned by a Quaker named Slocum, who let Kofi buy his freedom. He married a Wampanoag Indian.
Kofi became a prosperous whaler and trader. Yankees called him Mister Coffe Slocum. Coffe learned to read and write, keeping a journal that incorporated his African tribe's sense of right and wrong and duty to others.
The large family took the surname Cuffe. Some sons were farmers or store owners. Grandson Paul Cuffe owned a shipyard and expanded the family's trade. In 1811 a Cuffe brig became the first ship built and navigated by blacks to land in England. Paul Cuffe became a world leader in the effort to end slavery.
So my point is these black and Indian people are actually among the legacy Americans. We were always muliti-racial in fact, if not in governance.
Good story, but I find the idea of having to prove that the term, 'legacy Americans' shouldn't just be white people is beside the point that 'legacy Americans' is just code for 'real Americans' which is a bullshit notion at odds with our laws and higher ideals as a country. My neighbor was born in India. She married an American, moved here and worked hard to get her American Citizenship. She's every bit as American as I am, despite relatives who fought in the Civil War and a family name found in the officer corp in the American Revolution.
And please don't take that as any attack on you or your story. I absolutely agree with your point.
I agree. Every American is just as much American as every other American. I think Carlson was implying that whites created America. Legacy is a code for whites. But from the beginning, American Indians, enslaved blacks, and free blacks also created America.
The way my mindset works on that concept is that I can acknowledge it as predominantly true (while certainly not underselling the examples you mention) and then have to ask, "Now what in hell does that have to do with anything today?"
I mean, if tomorrow we uncovered George Washington's secret diary that proclaimed that America was being created by white people for white people, what should change? We founded the country to be open to all religions (or none). We fought a war and made it for all races. We then passed an Amendment that made it women as well as men. That last has been more than 100 years ago now. It is a country for everyone that is born or becomes a citizen. Nowhere in our documents, founding or otherwise do we give any special place to legacy. The closest you can get is that a President has to be a born citizen, and that doesn't have to have been to citizen parents.
Again, my rant isn't against you or anything you posted. Just Tucker and any concept that legacy has some kind of meaning in America.
Right, but it matters because it is the basis for maga mocking diversity and inclusion, and of course we have always been diverse. Maga creates its own meaning, as we see in book banning and threats to librarians.
Thousands of Black people fought in the Continental Army. Are their numerous descendants not Legacy Americans?
Interesting and thought-provoking as always. Thank you Charlie.
The problem is that the Dems/Left weren't actually calling wolf.... and the GoP just kept getting more and more openly racist until today we have what we have.
It isn't about getting numb to be called something, it is about playing the situation so that (while you are what you are called and you are quite fine with being what you are) all the people who might actually DO something get numb.. and so they don't.
The GOP became the Racist Party with Nixon's Southern Strategy.
"“By 2000,” RealClearPolitics.com’s Carl Cannon wrote, “Calling George W. Bush a racist was the liberals’ standard operating procedure"
Remember that time the Bush campaign implied that John McCain fathered an illegitimate Black child in order to win the South Carolina primary? Somewhere along the way, Conservatives got this idea that only bad people can do racist things. It enabled a hell of a lot of amnesia when it comes to who benefited from letting the white nationalists do their dirty tricks on behalf of the movement.
There's additional faces to the alliances that contributed to modern movement conservatives, for instance, the alliance of Christians & corporations (see Kevin Kruse's 'One Nation Under God'), and it's proof of concept, Billy Graham. Slight turn of the face and it's those resentful of Jim Crow's loss and those opposed to the New Deal, essentially, they're just libertarians and theocrats.
The GOP must keep the votes of both radicalized and not to stay in power. Where they meet is in the numbness to racism.
If the Left caused the modern Right to go numb by calling them names, then it's true that the Right (or, the author of this piece) needs a much deeper understanding of racism. No one can make you racist, but they can encourage you to stop pretending not to be. That's Trumpism, the bouncing baby boy of movement conservatism.
Nice piece by Philip Rotner. I’m so happy the holidays are over and maybe some indictments can start to rain down. The phony electors seems like as good a place as any to start. Everyone involved in any way should go away for a long time. Let’s firmly discourage that sort of thing, bumbling or not.
“Good people can disagree about whether such a man belongs in jail. They can’t disagree about whether he belongs in the White House.”
So, Will Saletan is saying Trump endorser Elise Stefanik is not a good person. As a constituent, I heartily agree with him.