I have cancelled all subscriptions to news organization that display cowardice in the face of Trumps assault of the first amendment and the freedom of the press.

People should be willing to go to prison or die to defend the press. If you don't then tyranny will win and your freedom is gone. You and your family can be disappeared and no one will question it.

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I feel so bad for the people who saw that "we'll deport you" ad. How horrible.

I know the Latino community isn't monolithic, but there does seem to be a propensity to support strict immigration laws. Fair enough. But to me it's clear that this whipped-up fear of immigrants isn't about anyone's legal status. It's about their color and the language they (may) speak. I suspect the typical MAGA doesn't care if they're here legally, a naturalized citizen, or first generation. Trump himself made it clear he welcomes immigrants from northern European (i.e., white) countries and not s-hole countries.

Maybe the tiny ray of hope is that this awful ad reduces support for Trump.

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Univision running a taxpayer-funded "we'll find and deport you" ad is like inviting a wolf into the henhouse and asking if it wants a bib. It’s a full-fledged capitulation to state-sponsored fearmongering wrapped in the pretense of neutrality. The network, once a beacon for Spanish-speaking audiences navigating an often-hostile America, now looks like it’s more afraid of Trump’s wrath than its own community’s trust.

Telemundo at least tried to counterbalance the ad with actual resources. Univision? It gave us "compliance with our standards" while its own journalists were left seething. And Trump’s anti-Spanish rhetoric isn’t just campaign bluster; it’s a warning shot at Spanish-language media itself. First, it's ads that terrify immigrants. What’s next? Fines for broadcasting in Spanish?

Spanish-language media was built to serve its audience, not cower before the same forces trying to erase it.

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How many immigration judges would $200 million fund? Maybe we could actually hear and decide upon some asylum claims? Nah, much better to totally freak out a huge group of people and at the same time toss red meat to the racist "steven Miller" crowd.

Where's DOGE when it is truly needed!!??

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Our taxes are paying for these outrageous ads while services that Americans depend on for survival are being ravaged?

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Wow! I just found $200 million in wasteful government spending!

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In 2018, I walked around our fairly new neighborhood (probably with my Susan Wild t-shirt on) and a Latino woman stopped me because she wanted to see if we could find some things we have in common. She likes mump because of his business acumen. I didn't correct her about his not having any acumen other than how to stiff people. She liked not allowing migrants into the US. The only common ground we had was she proudly said she knows who Gloria Steinem is. So, I walked away in a bit of disgust and haven't spoken to her since. I was told by my partner she was yelling at people walking by her house that mump won ha ha and worse.

I sure as hell hope Europe is learning from what we're going through.

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I hate the way Trump bullies and threatens people into compliance. And leaving out Spanish language reporters from the press pool is disgusting.

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Latinos in the US always love trumpian dictators, except when they leave their home countries because of dictators.

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Univision and Telemundo will soon discover that dancing for the puppet master only results in more disdain and more delusional demands. The man betrays anyone at (his delirious) whim.

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The Kristi Noem ad infuriates me every time I see or hear it. She does not believe in following the law herself. She has supported the Trump Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him by Biden otherwise she would never have been appointed to the Cabinet. I wish that Bulwark would follow through this excellent video https://www.thebulwark.com/p/breaking-revenge-obsessed-kash-patel with one for Noem and all the other members of the Cabinet like Hegseth. They all have passed the "Trump loyalty above all" test so let's show them in action supporting the Big Lie.

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How is equating the politics of expanding healthcare in the community (Obama care ads), equated with English ads threatening deportation?

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Anyone who gets work done on their home, has an elder in assisted living, or eats strawberries or drinks wine depends on the work of immigrants. I am far from a genius, but I saw this coming like most of us. It’s mind boggling, and the tale of the tv ads makes me sad.

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Noem's script (https://www.dhs.gov/medialibrary/assets/videos/58918) could've been workshopped by the satirical DPRK New Service account. Start w/backdrop wall-to-wall flags & praise for Dear Leader, add some tough threats, all over video of mugshots, caravans!, drug packets, guns, cop cars w/lights flashing... Soothing yet so informative [eyeroll]

Univision shares the risks of all commercial media these days but is a unique target given its audience. How to balance the common sense & mission of informing that audience about the real level of threat of deportation & civil rights violations, versus becoming a tool in the regime's propaganda campaign to motivate self-deportation & promote "less-than" status for Latinos (e.g., anyone who talks or looks foreign, best to ship 'em all out and sort 'em out somewhere else)? Adrian provides some insight into how people on this knife edge are trying to deal.

Beyond my capabilities to advise Univision. They're likely able to inform & alert their viewers and still promote awareness of legal rights & report on the propaganda. Disclaimers after each paid DHS ad? Coordinating placement of public service ads to run with DHS spots? Localized alerts with real-time updates on immediate activity by DHS/ICE, just like live coverage of fires or other police actions? As in the news spot Adrian linked, the network has capable talent to present the full picture, not just the paid, govt-sponsored slant.

Some fact checking of the DHS ad also seems appropriate - like in the day when TV cigarette ads ran with surgeon general warning at the end, or current ads for gaming & alcohol that remind to partake responsibly. Noem's script has some very misleading statements that call out for correction:

"If you leave now you may have an opportunity to return." ("may" but prolly not)

"Follow the law and you'll find opportunity." (only a tiny %age of those who seek it will find)

"America welcomes those who respect our laws." (again, only a small # of those)

...really need to caution re: the truth of these - e.g., https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/research/why-don%E2%80%99t-they-just-get-line

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I heard this in my car on a local "oldies" station. It made me ill. I won't be listening to that station again.

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Encouraging people to sign up for healthcare insurance is not even close to "If you don't leave, we'll find you and deport you."

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Karen - kind of a different take on "public service announcement" (though I understand stations typically run those unpaid)

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