There may not be a more important time to be involved in journalism. There may not be a more depressing time either.
Our industry is under tremendous stress. At the same time, our mission has never been more critical. People, more than ever, need reporting, commentary and analysis that is clear, thoughtful, and honest about the stakes.
The Bulwark is the rare outlet that is both doing creative journalism and providing an editorial vision that meets the moment. It’s why I clawed my way to get here. It’s why I’m writing now to ask for your support.
Honest news. Smart analysis. Good faith.
A bit about myself. I’ve spent nearly two decades in this field. I started my career at the Huffington Post—the outlet’s first ever reporter and one of just three people in its D.C. bureau. Over nine years, I helped build that unit into a nearly 40 person shop, before going to The Daily Beast to be its politics editor and then POLITICO to run its White House and, eventually, campaign coverage.
The Bulwark, to me, combines the best of all those places. It has the mentality of a startup, eager to experiment and push the boundaries in all the right ways. It has the talent of a top tier outlet, with a roster of gifted writers and wordsmiths along with some of the best conversationalists in the podcast arena. Most importantly, it values dialogue while refusing to countenance bullshit.
Yes, we call it like we see it. But we’re open to differing viewpoints, debate, and conversation. In fact, we thrive on it.
Having that type of approach is rare in this field. It’s invigorating too. And it’s something you’ll want to be a part of. So please, support us, join us, become a member of this amazing community. You’ll be thrilled by it. I know I’ve been.
—Sam Stein
The next 90+ days are going to be wild—take this ride with us.
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The Bulwark exists to help you see around corners. With reporters on the ground at the conventions, in the halls of Congress and on the trail with the candidates, we’re laser focused on bringing you analysis and reporting that’s clear-eyed and honest. We tell you what we really think—no bank shots and no agenda other than elevating ideas in support American democracy. The Bulwark is a reader supported publication. Join us!