What Do "Pro-Business" Republicans Think About DeSantis Going After Disney?
Let's ask the Wall Street Journal!
Ask Tim Anything!
Tim Miller is driving across Texas for the next two days with nothing to do. So he’s on Substack Notes all day today taking your questions. It’s a Tim-Stack-Me-Anything marathon—sort of a Cannon Ball Run, except with a 5-year-old in the back and a husband behind the wheel. And also, Tim probably doesn’t know what Cannon Ball Run is.

1. Business!
One of the things I have heard a million times is that many people vote Republican because they are “pro-business” and “only care about the economy.”
This cohort will say things like, “I don’t care about ideology. I just want the economy to keep humming.”
Or, “I’m socially liberal, but I’m economically conservative—which is why I vote for Republicans. It’s not about politics. It’s about jobs and business and the economy.”
We now have—for the first time—a major Republican presidential candidate who is running explicitly on the promise that he will use the power of the state to hurt businesses he does not like.
Which seems like the kind of thing pro-business Republicans would freak the eff out over, no?
Come on a journey with me, my friends, into the Heart of Business.