For all of the scorn heaped on her, at some level, I feel sorry for her. She's a menace, but she probably thinks she's a hero but she's going through life as a villain and a punchline. Who among us envies her life?

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JVL, love your stuff about this Idiot. Won't even say her nsme. Keep it coming!!

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Nice diss on Jared, by the way.

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While you may be perfectly correct about who Ginni Thomas is, it doesn't change the fact that she and many just like her (Cleta Mitchell, Flynn, Powell, diGenova and Toensing, et al) had a direct line to the oval. The appearance of a conflict is real and has already eroded the public trust. Just because she is Q (and that's not a boomer thing, JVL) doesn't mean she isn't dangerous or influential in some ways. Clarence Thomas should recuse from anything she has touched.

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It's amazing the way never Trumpers both sides everything now, but didn't before Trump.

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Don Young 'what a character' or what we people who were tortured by bullies in grade school call 'an a**hole*.

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So she spammed the listserv? No wonder they were so annoyed.

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Ginni Thomas is a criminal. She took a leading role in the Insurrection against our country. I want her jailed for life. #LifeInPrison for Ginni Thomas. As for her husband, he needs to be #Impeached. HE was never fit to serve in the first place.

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Re: Your closing thought about a reduction in the number of "characters" around if it becomes socially acceptable to deck guys when they act (?) like a-holes...

Since there are far more of the latter around than there will ever be sufficient numbers willing to do the decking, I think the former's numbers are likely to remain pretty steady.

BTW...your premise may be a bit off to start with, assuming it refers to "THE SLAP", since in that instance I believe it was the a-hole doing the slapping. The slapee was simply a jerk. But there's already been way more than enough said about that.

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Idiot or not, all I read about Ginni leads me to not trust her.

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I may be wrong about this and it really has nothing to do with Ginni Thomas. Do all arguments need to be pedigree vetted in terms of education and career accomplishments? Is there ever a plebe out there that is smart and coherent and says something important and insightful. I only have a crappy BA and an insignificant career by the standards of anyone with skill or ambition. I know my ideas don't matter mostly because I am not smart or connected. And I usually try to keep my mouth shut and listen. And try to learn and understand. I listen everyday and admire the literacy and thoughtfulness found in this community.

My only blunt dummy dumb point is an abhorrent argument or an idea should be debunked by the facts and a persuasive counter argument not this person only went to Creighton law so she is stupid, or she only had a meaningless low level government job, or gossip has that 'people' think she is crazy. Just laying out what she wrote is more than enough. The personal attacks are kind of gross. But then again maybe I am missing the point of meritocracy? Yet there are plenty of Harvard grads with distinguished careers who are just as if not more deplorable than Ginni.

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I would find this criticism persuasive if my entire argument—or even a large part of it—had been, "Person goes to school xyz and is therefore an idiot." But that was not the case.

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ok jvl. i admire you. i listen and read everything you say and write. but you are super harsh on people that you feel have inferior educations. it is insulting and tiresome. but i still think you are great

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*I* have an inferior education and couldn't even get into med school!

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you do not have an inferior education. you busted your ass at hard elite school.

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That is kind of you to say. And I did bust my ass. But my undergrad was nowhere near elite and I learned very little—and virtually nothing important. Enormous waste of time and money. If I had it to do all over again, I'd go someplace small and major in either classics, history, or physics.

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i have a worthless degree in philosophy. i wish had stuck with math and or computer science.

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Agree - insightful comments. I look at it as Ginni was obviously "intelligent" enough to get a BS and JD, which makes her subequent beliefs and behavior that much more egregious. Likewise with anyone who has gotten a top-tier education and then gone deplorable. They (should) know better. Bottom line - there is not and never will be a shortage of educated fools and crooks.

(I'm guessing JVL's Creighton dig was somewhat tongue-in-cheek. I trust that getting through any legit law school - even #139 - requires some decent level of intelligence.)

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Reading up on Ginni, I found that she was a cult member of Lifespring in the 80s. Looks like she swapped that cult for QAnon. What a ditz.

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Oh, jeez....blast from the past! Lost a couple of neighbors to that...

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You could dive and figure out which party or parties have tried to stop such wretched atrocities from happening…

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If we're comparing couples of unequal intellect, how about we add George and Kellyanne to the list? I STILL don't understand that one.

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I think I feel slightly better — so you’re saying that a member of the Court isn’t a conspiracy theorist.

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Depends on whether or not ol' Clarence is the pants wearer in the Thomas household.

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Well, there is that

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Are you sure this wasn't lifted from the Borowitz Report?

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