The MAGA’s claim that Trump haters have TDS, in our house we believe all MAGA’s have TID, Trump Insanity Disorder. This appears to be highly contagious judging by the current date of the GOP!

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I am SO silly! I thought what I'd been reading was the news for the last eight years! Turns out it was just another dystopian novel! Can't wait to get to the happy ending, when the villain and his gang get turned into firebricks to warm the starving poor.. . .

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All those members who jumped before they were pushed. . . .pity they didn't stay on and FORCE trump to get rid of them. Then they could have doubled down on their outrage. Just creeping away with a huffy comment didn't really do any good, did it?

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A look back the 3 short years ago and then the look at today. You can almost count on one hand the number of republicans that have stood by what they said 3 years ago. The rest from McCarthy to McConnell, from Cruz to Graham they have all bent the knee just t***p said they would and I cannot see why. Are they all that terrified of the MAGA gun nuts, are they all that insecure in their positions or are they looking for a seat at the dictators table.

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Elise Stefanik reminds me of a girl I knew in high school that thought if she performed oral sex on a popular boy she would be seen as cool herself. Unfortunately she wound up blowing the entire football, baseball and basketball teams! For Stefanik, first it was Ryan, then McCarthy, then Trump, then Jordon, Scalise, and now Johnson. What the girl in high school and Stefanik DON"T have in common is the HS girl eventually graduated and moved on. Stefanik is stuck continuing her quest for relevance.

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The repetition makes it all true. Under His Eye.

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Still can’t believe that the Republican Party is still in lockstep withe the orange traitor. It is disgusting. The Republican Party no longer exists and I will never vote Republican again.

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I guess I do not understand the so called decent republicans who not only resigned but also disappeared - fled - from the battlefield. How does a Mitt Romney feel good about his integrity when all he's done is be paid handsomely for a mea culpa, tell all book. You would hope that these so called 'good republicans' would be more out in the open, actively campaigning against the threat they so clearly see. There is no doubt they can see that Biden has been a better president, is the better choice in 2024 if the traitor is, in fact the opposing candidate. If they worried about him in 2020, how can they silently watch the rerun, knowing it is likely to have a bad beginning, middle and may not end?

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It seems that the decent republicans are all resigning from their congressional seats, leaving us with Trumpist liars, cowards and grifters. I never imagined this happening here, but Trump keeps moving the cheese. Someone earlier compared Trump to a child with a cape jumping off the third story of a building thinking he could fly. We should get Trump a huge Superman cape!

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And of course Gallagher on the day called the riots "banana republic stuff" from inside his barricaded capitol office. Since then he's retreated to the safer territory of polishing his Marine Corps buttons in public and yammering about China, China, China.

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OMG! Did you see Elise Stefanik on Meet The Press? It was like having a 2016 Kelly Ann Conway flashback. Truly fucking awful. Feels like PTSD.

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Boycott all programs like that. The media is a whore selling out to anybody for the money.

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Sigh. I don’t know which is more disappointing/exhausting-Trump, or his lickspittle stooges who know that he is dangerous and incompetent.

I think about the Republicans who went to the WH in ‘74 to tell Nixon that support in Congress had evaporated; Nixon resigned the next day. What has happened to current Republicans? Cowardice and blind ambition has completely destroyed conscience and love of country. It is pathetic.

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They follow a charleton. Nothing matters because nothing is real.

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(Psst! - "charlatan". probably from the Italian for the noise a duck makes!')

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Hugh Hewitt has been wrong abt Trump for so long that he can't be taken seriously. He's consistently underestimated Trump's maliciousness, and as a result he's always at the ready to accuse others of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

So much for Hewitt. Now the big question abt Megan Kelly is: Was she in blackface on 1/6/2021 when she had Trump toady, Hugh Hewitt, on?

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"Orange Mischief" would be good, though maybe too weak. Orange Crackpot?

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Re: Trump's inaction as 1/6 unfolded.

The DC Guard has as a core mission protection of the Capitol. Their vehicles contain riot gear; they train using the gear They can respond very quickly to unrest there--they did, in fact, during George Floyd protests. Yet. the DC Guard was not allowed to respond to the Capitol until the coup had failed. A report issued by O'Donnell, the newly-appointed Trumper Pentagon IG--as well as EPA IG--blamed the DC Guard for this failure General Williams, the commander of the DC Guard, and Matthews, General Counsel, have called complete and utter bullshit, calling Piatt and Flynn liars; and have the testimony of scores of people on the call to corroborate their contrary account. Electronic communications from that day, including a record of the call as well as texts, etc. of General Piatt, General Flynn (brother of the Kraken General Flynn), Secretary of Defense Miller and Secretary of the Army McCarthy, would clarify this dispute as well as she light on what exactly was going on that day, but they have been destroyed, many in violation of policy and/or law. The 1/6 Committee heard some testimony on this subject, but chose to prioritize their effort in the direction of Trump himself. It's time for all of this to be investigated further, beginning with the destruction of digital communications.

Please see Seth Abramson's latest, "Proof of Coup," for the whole story.

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I dont know that there has ever been a less intelligent president or one who has done more damage to this country. I frankly think we will never recover from the damage he has done.

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