She’s a different person than before. And she was a prosecutor who was great on the Judicial Committee in the Senate. She can definitely counteract all of Trump’s lies and since she’s a woman, would be better at communicating the abortion issue.
Right now Harris is polling better than Trump in a one on one contest. And whether you like it…
She’s a different person than before. And she was a prosecutor who was great on the Judicial Committee in the Senate. She can definitely counteract all of Trump’s lies and since she’s a woman, would be better at communicating the abortion issue.
Right now Harris is polling better than Trump in a one on one contest. And whether you like it or not, Biden is losing in every swing state needed to win this election: all seven!
Biden won by 7 million votes in 2020, yet only won the electoral college by 40-50 thousand votes in three swing states, that tipped the election in his favor. So please elaborate as to how Biden can win this election?
An alternative isn’t necessarily better, but we need a Hail Mary, because right now, Trump wins handedly. And one aspect is in our favor. Most voters, and especially much needed independents, would prefer a younger, generic candidate to either Trump or Biden.
Yes. Let's be honest, Biden has objectively aged greatly since 2020. Trump, on the other hand, has barely changed, he was crazy af back then and he's a slightly crazier sob now, but it's hard to tell because he was so crazy already in 2016! So Biden going downhill fast only hurts him and the Dems, while nothing Trump does is going to hurt him much, because the craziness is already baked in and his supporters actually like the crazy!
Everybody knows Trump is lying in the first place. Her calling him out would not enlighten anyone about who Donald Trump actually is. The recently released polls showing a Kamala lead over Biden in a head to head against Trump is appealing on it’s surface, but there are too many people trying to grasp at a fleeting moment in time in order to justify upending a Presidential campaign with 5 months to go. Again, lets take a step back and look at this poll. It would go against everything we know about politics to believe that there is a block of voters significant enough to swing an election that would vote for Harris over Trump but not Biden over Trump. This is evidence that shows Biden should stay in this race. This shows that there are people who are clearly dissatisfied with both the options, and they finally have the ability to voice that dissatisfaction in a poll. These same people, almost certainly, would be checking Joe Bidens name in November. Taking that gamble is far less risky than the gamble of nominating someone new at this point. Doing so would create an environment in which there would be so much focus on the chaos in the Democratic party, there would be no time, and no attention given towards working to defeat Donald Trump.
She’s a different person than before. And she was a prosecutor who was great on the Judicial Committee in the Senate. She can definitely counteract all of Trump’s lies and since she’s a woman, would be better at communicating the abortion issue.
Right now Harris is polling better than Trump in a one on one contest. And whether you like it or not, Biden is losing in every swing state needed to win this election: all seven!
Biden won by 7 million votes in 2020, yet only won the electoral college by 40-50 thousand votes in three swing states, that tipped the election in his favor. So please elaborate as to how Biden can win this election?
An alternative isn’t necessarily better, but we need a Hail Mary, because right now, Trump wins handedly. And one aspect is in our favor. Most voters, and especially much needed independents, would prefer a younger, generic candidate to either Trump or Biden.
Yes. Let's be honest, Biden has objectively aged greatly since 2020. Trump, on the other hand, has barely changed, he was crazy af back then and he's a slightly crazier sob now, but it's hard to tell because he was so crazy already in 2016! So Biden going downhill fast only hurts him and the Dems, while nothing Trump does is going to hurt him much, because the craziness is already baked in and his supporters actually like the crazy!
Everybody knows Trump is lying in the first place. Her calling him out would not enlighten anyone about who Donald Trump actually is. The recently released polls showing a Kamala lead over Biden in a head to head against Trump is appealing on it’s surface, but there are too many people trying to grasp at a fleeting moment in time in order to justify upending a Presidential campaign with 5 months to go. Again, lets take a step back and look at this poll. It would go against everything we know about politics to believe that there is a block of voters significant enough to swing an election that would vote for Harris over Trump but not Biden over Trump. This is evidence that shows Biden should stay in this race. This shows that there are people who are clearly dissatisfied with both the options, and they finally have the ability to voice that dissatisfaction in a poll. These same people, almost certainly, would be checking Joe Bidens name in November. Taking that gamble is far less risky than the gamble of nominating someone new at this point. Doing so would create an environment in which there would be so much focus on the chaos in the Democratic party, there would be no time, and no attention given towards working to defeat Donald Trump.