Isn't it about time that somebody--Sarah, JVL, Tim, Bill, Charlie, ANYbody--writes something that recognizes Musk as the modern-day equivalent of Crassus? This is a serious question. It's about time we learn something from history.

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I just reported an error to Apple Maps regarding Gulf of Mexico. Requested that they follow international naming conventions since this is not a US owned body of water. Feels good to do something about this idiocy even if it is minute!

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"who have ostensibly a salary of a few hundred thousand dollars, but somehow manage to accrue tens of millions of dollars in net worth"

Is this not most of Congress and the Oval Office?

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If the Gulf of Mexico is now the Gulf of America - does that mean we DIDN'T win the Battle of New Orleans?

The ghost of General Pakenham WILL be pleased. . .

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The X child is thinking; "Who is this fucking guy with the orange glow and fake hair? My dad, I think he is my dad, looks cool in his hip t-shirt and black hat. I am glad that my dad is President and not the man who looks like my Halloween pumpkin."

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Apologies if this has already been brought up. Did anyone else catch Musk’s Freudian slip during his spew of lies, while Trump sat there like a lump?


The specific one I’m talking about happens at 55 secs in.

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Musk has some secret from Putin that he is holding over Trump.

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I have such awful feelings in the pit of my stomach re: how this all comes down to Putin somehow, we all see inklings of ties, but I just gut feeling do not like how this feels like it comes down Putin........

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I'm so pleased you replied!! Thanks for all you and Norm are doing.

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Oh I don't think I am who you think I am, there are no people named "Norm" in my life........but I hope you are still pleased I replied! :)

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Looks like the Russian Empire is winning Phase 2 of the Cold War, thanks to a combination of reactionary "Christian nationalism" and GOP cravenness. Meanwhile the putative China hawks of the GOP seem to be fine with ceding the field in soft power to Beijing and allowing Lord Emperor Musk to do whatever is good for his business interests in China.

America under Trump is emphatically not "the leader of the free world," but a member of the autocrats' club. American Greatness is revealed to have no relation to American goodness. The Trumpers apparently think we'll be fine as one of the world's biggest bullies, with few if any allies and no claim to any kind of moral leadership.

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People changing the names of things....seems to happen a lot, isn't that right, Mr Twitter (aka X) ? Some people simply won't stop calling it by its prior name. Live with it.

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Feb 12Edited

Wait until the ignorant clown fools at the trump admin find out one of the Great Lakes is named after a province in Canada! I can see their tiny brain wheels spinning. trump says, we should call Lake Ontario? Lake Lake New York? But NY is a blue state, so we will need to call it Lake Ohio. But Lake Erie borders OH, so maybe Lake Pennsylvania! Hmmm.... not red enough. What about Lake Utah? No, reminds me of Romney. I got it! Lake Oklahoma! That's it! Where's my pen? Here it is dear leader. Should I inform the cowards, weaklings, and our tech bro worms at google and apple to change the name immediately? Yes! I want all maps in the world changed by tomorrow! Of course,sir. Do you want to wait until NFL draft day to announce the change. That's a great idea! We will fly over Lake Oklahoma as they announce the first pick of the draft! I am brilliant, aren't I? Yes, sir, you are the most brilliant of all leaders...

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Seeing Trump and Musk together, I can't help but think of Lenin (Trump) and Stalin (Musk). We know how that turned out.

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More like Lenny and Squiggy. Hmm, same initials.

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I was thinking more along the lines from about 17:15 in this podcast:


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As far as i'm concerned the federal contract is already broken. The US will not honor its obligations nor the directives of our representatives. Therefore the states are free to ignore the federal govt.

What remains is to wrest back our states' interests in the Social Security and Medicare trust funds and for the rest of us to stop paying federal taxes. The pretender to the kingship is small, and so is the tiny district which presumes to rule us.

I might add, the federal govt is hopelessly mired in debt. The states are not because they can't sell treasury notes. Let's see how that state's rights thing works out for DC.

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Isn’t musk getting wealthy on our tax dollars too? Hypocrisy. The fact he’s systematically taking over and gutting our federal agencies and firing our federal employees is to say the very least, frightening. He is being investigated in 6 of these agencies for various violations. He claims transparency yet has locked Congress out and brought in young hackers with read and write access to our personal information and money. Musk has fired all of our watchdogs. Agency IGs that are impartial overseers that look for reasons to investigate people. Sounds pretty straightforward to me. Get rid of everyone and then bring in my rat team to read and recode so I hold all the power. And they scream Liberals are the enemies within. We are in a crisis folks. Crisis.

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What does Musk have to do before he offends Trump? Does anyone want to guess what he will do or when he will gone from Washington, DC?

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I am more interested in knowing what does Trump have to do to offend his voters?

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Musk is doing all the heavy lifting to destroy the government. Trump doesn't have the energy. People can get angry with Musk while Trump tweets and plays golf. Congress and the American people have to get rid of Musk. He is firing all the people who caught him breaking regulations and laws. Trump just stis back and takes Musk's and everyone else money.

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To say nothing of a brat picking his nose beside the Resolute desk. Musk is as big a liar as Trump.

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Give Satan's spawn a break, even Damien was a decent kid till the end of Omen II.

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Oh, I sincerely hope Elon DOES keep taking Little X to ALL meetings and pressers. That kid was the only one in the room talking sense and the truth.

Can't wait till he says to trump " My Daddy says that you. . . . "

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I guess it is a reflection of my age, but I find someone wearing a baseball hat in the oval office incredibly jarring. That and the general scene is such a diminishment of the office of the president. I have never seen anything like it. Lawrence O'Donnell said it better than I could.

This image may be a fruitful attack vector on Trump. I do not think MAGA gives a fig about opposition pointing out Trump doing something immoral or wrong, but I do think showing dear leader as being weak will resonate.

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I thought the image, especially from an camera angle from down below the jaw line, with Musk standing there all in black, with long coat and soft "field cap" was quite reminiscent of a military style once well described by Susan Sontag in "Fascinating F....[word]".

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Trump's true sexual inclinations have long been a subject for discussion. Certainly S&M seems to raise its ugly head. . . "Forbes Magazine" anyone?

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