As a woman over 50, I was annoyed and somewhat amused by the ignorance of Moreno. Even though I don't live in OH so can't vote against him, it was just another in a string of MAGA men putting down women as children who just can't/shouldn't think for ourselves.

From JD Vance with his cat ladies, menopausal women should take care of children (as if that's what they should be relegated to and nothing else); Moreno with his women over 50 remark; and finally Trump (of all people!) saying he'd take care of us and we won't have to think about abortion. What CHUMPS!

The abortion issue is critical. But the anti-abortion movement also represents a movement that wants to CONTROL people, and tell us to live strictly as they (whoever is in MAGA good graces) think we should. No thanks.

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I remember watching Elle Reeve interview a Trump supporter who was all in with Trump because "He would return women to their proper place in society as was laid out in the Bible by God"

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A pet is walking down the street and sees Haitian immigrants on one sidewalk, and Trumpy lovers Kristi Noem and Kevin Roberts on the opposite sidewalk. Pretty obvious which side of the street is safer for the pet to choose! Wonder if the next time Noem and Roberts meet they will debate the merits of firearm vs. shovel? And where is JD when you need him to stop the killing of pets by his Trumpy buddies?

And speaking of killing something — anyone remember the old Heritage Foundation, which had leading policy thinkers and analysts, and a valuable publication, Policy Review? The HF did some great work, useful for academics and legislators, etc. But along came the new guys and gutted it and made it a lap dog (yes, that is intentional) for the Trumpy movement.

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Well, no matter all his other many deficits, if there's one thing where DJT is an expert, it's "grandstanding..."

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Senator McDonnell, by being a man of honor, has now turned himself into the latest MAGA piñata. What a sad, pathetic movement Trump has created. A pox on his noxious house.

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Could it be that the porn site deleted the remarks deeming their author to be too creepy for their site?

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The story about Mark Robinson campaign staffers leaving his campaign *now* is actually quite hysterical to me. They're really saying that the CNN story was the straw that broke the camel's back?

It wasn't the misogyny, the anti-Semitism (including Holocaust denial), the transphobia, the claims that MLK was a communist or that the Kent State protestors had it coming?

He made all sort of insane comments BEFORE he won the Republican nomination, and yet these folks were absolutely 100% on board.

But a few gross posts on message boards were suddenly a deal breaker?

These clowns were looking for an exit ramp and a fig leaf to get away from a dying campaign, and they found it.

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As Sam Elliot says in the latest Lincoln Project ad (if you haven't seen it, seek it out!!):

"So you decide. Are we really going back down that same fucking broken road or are we moving forward?"

With the tagline:


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Here's why women aged from the cradle to the grave will never stop thinking about abortion until the Roe standard is the law of the land again:

Dobbs stripped women of their sovereignty over their own bodies and handed it to the state and its voters. Women no longer "own" themselves. The state does. That makes them slaves. And the state can take their life and ruin their health without due process.

We. Are. Not. Going. Back

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When I first saw Trump's posts/comments directed at women, this was my gut-reaction post on Threads:

"If a man were saying this stuff to me in person, I'd be looking for a place to hide and/or a weapon to defend myself."

I spent most of my adult life in the military, surrounded by men (99 percent good dudes). Comments like Trump's hit me in the gut. They scream "WARNING!" to my limbic system. Seriously.

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I have often wondered WTH men want . Maybe you could explain that

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I am a retired woman. Unless I feel particularly strong about who ( or what) I am voting for, at this point in my life, I vote for whoever/ whatever my kids want me to vote for. THEY are the ones living with the consequences of my vote. For example, I live with one of my kids. When a school funding initiative came up on a recent ballot, I asked them which way they wanted me to vote.

On the other hand, I will vote pro choice, every time. I do this for the ones that do not have a choice. For the ones who are not wealthy enough to travel elsewhere to have an abortion or other essential care. Because in the end, as always, it is the poor who suffer the most.

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Grandad here, mi amiga. Like you I consider my daughters and granddaughters with high priority. Mi esposa as well, tho an Ohio candidate advises that she’s not concerned due to her age 🤯

I know otherwise!

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Well thanks, Bill, for your confidence and full on support of women. While we've known forever that we are really the stronger sex, the ones who nurture an tod provide the warmth of human love and compassion, companionship, that it seems to have taken millennia for our male counterparts to begin to see and acknowledge. That's why it's such a big deal that we are about to elect our first woman president!

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"the discourse on this one should be pretty wild"

What discourse? Perfectly normal behavior on that side of the divide between normal and weird.

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I highly recommend this short flick. It juxtaposes the rise of Fascism in the U.S today, with what was happening in Germany and Italy in the 1930's.


Trump got "Make America Great" from Mussolini. He added "Again"

Unless of course that was a deep fake of Mussolini...

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Thanks. I just emailed this to myself and plan on watching it today, and possibly sending it to my family zoom group, where we meet weekly to discuss things we watch or read.

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Let me be clear...sorry...it juxtaposes in MY mind what's happening today.

It's almost like Trump watched it and said "THAT....that right there is my roadmap"

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Ah, yes ... back to the 1950s, when men were men and women were in the kitchen with the children where they belong. BUT ... not with the 1950s tax rates that got us to the moon and did the other hard things! 😉😞

I just about choked on my water this morning when I saw him talking about being women's protectors. WTAF? This guy was found guilty of assaulting a woman and he's a protector of them? Wow! I am now truly convinced that he could talk these MAGA people into drinking Kool Aid laced with poison. Begs the question, "What the f**k is wrong with you people?"

I too am getting a total laugh out of the Mickey D's fixation DonOLD has. He's claiming that McDonald's is hiding her HR records when he should know that almost every McDonald's is a franchise operation and HR records going back more than seven years are rare as hen's teeth these days, particularly for part time workers. I bet even the Trump Organization doesn't have HR records going back that far for part time employees. Boy, for a guy that claims he's the smartest man on Earth, he sure doesn't know Jack about Jack. 😉🤣😂

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