Haven't gotten past the first paragraph, just had to hit pause. Really! What is it with the dogs with these people? Honestly, enough with everything being about projection. Make it stop!

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I’m over 50 and I care not only about abortion rights but the overall anti-woman tenor of the GOP right now. From the top of the ticket down to party leaders, candidates and surrogates (Musk is a great example) and extreme MAGA voters. They not only betray a disrespect for women but, in some cases, a gleeful animus. I hope women in this country hand Trump his walking papers and that he knows from the data we did it.

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At 62 years of age, I have a 24 year-old daughter & SEVEN nieces, ages ranging 6-17. Shriveled hag that I am, actually do care quite a lot about all women having access to medical procedures to support all of their lady parts, at all ages, in all parts of the country. Just sayin :/

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Shriveled hags of the world unite!

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We can always expect nothing but weakness from most conservative/Republican men (The Bulwark's and other never-Trump men notwithstanding). They have scored 10/10 on the coward scale ever since their big daddy, dumb-dumb Trump, entered their world. They line up to lick his behind like cult members do. (Just as Trump lines up to lick Putin's.) These men are possibly going to kill America's democracy because they are stupid, ignorant and evil. And cowardly.

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There are no words I can think of that would adequately describe my abhorrence for Donald Trump in general, but specifically, this latest load of steaming bollox about women has me enraged to a new degree. The unbelievable audacity of this tripe - the equivalent of “don’t worry your pretty little head” - has me struggling to find a way to express my utter, overwhelming outrage. I believe Trump is about to find out what women want, which is for him to disappear.

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Trump as my protector? This is not only weird, it's downright CREEPY! Big "EWWW" factor. (*shudder*)

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Physical security was available in the Handmaid’s Tale right? Just “qualified” security. Behave by the man’s rules. Trump’s Nirvana. His first stop will be the model’s dressing room. Or the pageant’s.

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I’m always cheered up by Bill, his quotes, his worries and his reflections. It isn’t a surprise that he admires women, for all the obvious reasons, and his description of men is amusing, “ odd fixations” is a keeper! Thanks Bill

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Pregnancy is, in and of itself, a life-threatening medical condition. Even a healthy adult woman can die during her pregnancy for any number of reasons. Forcing anyone to risk their life in order to bring a child into the world that they cannot care for is cruel and unusual punishment. I agree a previous comment that stated there should be no exceptions because there should be no bans.

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The predator sheds his wolf’s clothing and shows us his true monster abusing bones 🦴 🦴🦴!!

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Out of the mouth of a serial sexual predator...

How do you think these guys keep getting women's confidence so that they can have their way with them!?! By being smooth-talking confidence artists.

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These most recent comments about what women want or should want are the worst yet. I don’t think the English language contains words adequate to describe my gut reaction. I don’t believe in violence of any kind, but this fills me with a rage that could cause me to pick up a brick and throw it through a window and worse.

DON’T tell me who I can, should or do care about, whether I should care or why I should NOT care. DON’T speak to me about the validity of women’s rights. Don’t EVER try to tell me what I can and cannot do with my own body. What you do not seem to understand is that you are violating my freedom, nothing less. You seem to not understand this. What would you do if your freedom was threatened, curtailed, interfered with, taken away, even though you had committed no crime? Would you protest? Throw bricks through a window? Make war?

Or perhaps you might REFUSE TO HAVE SEX WITH THOSE TAKING AWAY YOUR FREEDOM? I think this last one promises to be the most effective. WOMEN — UNIONIZE. PROTEST. BOYCOTT. No penis is allowed unless you are fully on our side. Non-negotiable.

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I heard that last night right out of the Loser in Chiefs’ oral sphincter and immediately was totally creeped out. I can’t believe that any self respecting woman would believe that out of a rapists’ mouth. I think I still need a shower.

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Big "EWWW" factor. Totally creepy!

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Allegedly only 58% to 37% of women polled are for Harris? So one third of USA women want a convicted felon, a rapist, a rabid misogynist, and the principal reason we no longer have national women's reproductive health in the hands of women; but the power should be with the states, the government? If only gun control were that lopsided, in actual practice. Can't have government interfering with gun ownership, but ownership of women's reproductive organs belonging to the states is A-OK. Frankly, I think polling this year is absurd. And polling results are gaslighting to make us think women's rights are insignificant. Not only are we getting polling averages every day, they are clearly skewed to Republicans' answers. Women are not only denigrated by the fpotus, MSM and right wing media are solidly against women's rights. They will be surprised to see an inevitable landslide this November then. Want to know what women want? Women do Not want state control over our uteri. Fact.

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What is wrong with America's men?

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Defendant 45 is busy insulting the intelligence of women. That's a stroke of nincompoopery. I still remember how steamed my mother would get at that. If the equine biosolds cake had insults as frosting, she'd really get hotter about the insulting part. Miss you Mom ❤️

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"Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes"... thanks Bill for the great column and Jim Carrey, I think? for the acute observation.

And as for Trump's 'suggestion' to woman that ...“YOU WILL NO LONGER BE THINKING ABOUT ABORTION.”... Jon Favereau (on the PSA pod), read this statement with the ole time hypnotist suggestive voice...'And now you're getting sleepy'.. too funny.

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Why every woman in the audience didn't walk out is beyond me! Why didn't at least one woman there challenge his insanity? Why didn't those so-called masculine "men"? Didn't the men realize he just insulted them?

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That is his superpower.

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Not a day goes by that I “think about abortion”. What I do think about is that I am in the first generation of American women where our daughters and granddaughters actually have less rights than we did, and that sucks.

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Well said. It is absolutely astonishing to me that Republicans like Trump, Vance and this cretin Moreno in Ohio, cannot imagine that Americans (in this case women in particular), might have the greater interests of their country at heart. They think that because they are greedy, self-interested skin-bags that everyone else is like them. Well, no, as it turns out.

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They just can't relate to people having compassion for other people. Their whole personal philosophy, such as it is, is - What's in it for me? They can't imagine caring about what happens to children (except your own), or women (except those they're close to - and even that may be a bridge too far for them) or immigrants or minorities or the working poor or etc.etc. They only champion others to gain political power. None of it is genuine, because they drop people and causes as soon as they're not politically useful. For as ruthless and cold as they are, they're amazingly sheep-like when it comes to DJT.

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Yeah, imagine that. None of this impacts me. I am a born in America, already retired, white, heterosexual, Christian (but not a fake Christian, an actual follower of Jesus Christian), married woman, who already owns a home and has some money, and I have no uterus. My political activism, such as it is, is 100% about other people. 100%

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