Having Vance as vice president has done nothing to expand. Donald Trump's base.. fortunately. He is just continuing to preach to the same dumb anti-woman white male choir. Furthermore, he showed his stupidity by saying that women should stay in abusive relationships... Clearly he does not know what that does to children. . The largest voting block is not white males. It is white women and we are going to be voting. We don't like being treated like handmaids and we don't like being minimized. The Republican party has become the party of Rich white men and the hell with everybody else. I hope this is quite clear.
"Rubio would give Trump a little more of an edge with Hispanic voters, who have been drifting more rightward in recent years." I'm sure all the Hispanic voters loved to see all the mass deportation signs at the RNC. Vance got every job he ever had, including getting elected to the Senate, because of Thiel. Trump wants a close connection to Thiel's money. With Trump, it's always about the money. I'm also waiting for the long essays on how Trump-Vance will lose women voters over abortion and misogyny. Women voters, and only suburban women voters (i.e., white), get a sentence or two, as an after-thought. Trump's an adjudicated rapist, among other serious problems, who keeps reminding everyone how he lost that case, and will sign a national abortion ban. I doubt you could find many women that believe he won't. Vance has publicly said that there should be no abortion exceptions due to rape or incest because any resulting pregnancy is simply an inconvenience. Women who die, or who have serious medical complications, because doctors and hospitals won't/can't perform an abortion are simply collateral damage; they truly don't care. According to Vance, I'm a single crazy cat lady who's ruined the US (I need a T-shirt with that on it). I'm not certain if I've ruined the US because I'm single, or crazy (I need a definition), or because I have a cat. I am certain that Trump and Vance hate me and have no use for me. The anti-women policies in Project 2025 are even worse. They want to eliminate no fault divorce and Vance thinks women should stay in abusive marriages. They never ever talk about going after the men who are guilty of rape (well they can't since their candidate is guilty) and incest (too many Republicans at the state level like the idea of child marriages). They don't talk about providing funds to support the women who've been raped or subject to incest, or taking on the problems of abusive marriages or doing anything to help women. They don't support paid parental leave or any measure to provide support during pregnancy or afterwards. They want to use the 14th Amendment to give personhood to an embryo but not to allow a women to have the right to make decisions about her own body. More women have been enrolling in college and graduating. More women are registered to vote. The state abortion ballot initiatives have been organized by women, and there are 11 more initiatives on the November ballot. But sure, keep underestimating women, especially women of color. Talk more and more about white men and how important they are, women just love to hear that.
JD Vance said that Alex Jones is a more reliable source of information than Rachel Maddow.
Even if I disagreed with every single one of Maddow's policy views (rather than some of them), I would say it's either insane or deeply cynical to regard Alex Jones as more "reliable."
I'm appalled that so many people are willing to data mine in order to put these autocratic politicians in power. I blamed Susie Wiles at first, but clearly there are LEGIONS of people right behind her making sure this gets done.
May they all burn in hell for their actions. How dare they try to take our rights, and how dare so many people allow this!
It's something of a cold comfort that the Hitler Youth left their tiki torches at home this time, but that's still one scary picture. The flags don't fool anybody who doesn't want to be fooled. They probably realize that, or at least their leaders do.
In a more sensible time, people would interpret Trump's narrow escape as evidence he had sold his soul to the Old Deceiver. What better example than Hitler; he managed to escape death from bombs, at least two, I think.
Prompted by Trump's claim last night regarding his survival as the work of "Providence", I did a little more research. Here's what ChatGPT produced about seven failed attempts on Hitler's life. https://chatgpt.com/share/04a0e072-14f5-460e-b9d6-21d03e8c052b
I feel like Vance was just a Heritage Foundation pick. Their ideal standard barer for Project 2025. Trump will likely die during his term, or become so mentally incapacitated that the opportunity to 25th Amendment him will be available. Then the have a young, intelligent, power hungry Vance to run their distopian future.
I can't like the comment, but I have to concur. Time to start with the Vote for Trump, Get Vance ads using his comments back when he was a Never Trumper, suggesting TFG is America's Adolph Hitler and clarifying where his money came from, not from the sweat of his brow but the favor of a rich venture capitalist who made his money off hard-working people.
You don't come out and say it, but do you think the white-man strategy hurts Kamala's chances if she ends up at the top of the ticket? Or can she pick up enough votes from other demographics to win, even if white men flock to Trump?
Sadly I think that many Democratic white men, who would pick Biden 10 out of 10 times, would think twice or 3 times about voting for Harris. Don't underestimate the racism and misogyny among the white male OG Democratic voter.
One tiny bit of fun would be if Kamala stays VP. I'd love to see her wallop JD in the debate. She's got the chops to do it. Game on!! But no, bad idea because it would mean no change in the B/H ticket.
I never do. That's why team Trump is thinking Vance will speak to them. On the other hand, I think Harris will play well with women. She speaks very effectively about reproductive rights.
Go for it. Double-down on the "he-man women haters club." More women then men vote in every election. No abortion, no contraception, no IVF, no more no fault divorce, women forced to stay in abusive marriages- the Rs are truly an anti-women party. Sure, the trad wives may vote for that, but the rest of us women are PISSED OFF. We WILL NOT go back!!!
Joseph Goebbels learned, then practiced his evil propaganda genius on behalf of his idol.
It worked astonishingly well at the beginnings of the Third Reich, throughout that regime, and continued so until artillery and bombs destroyed the remaining communication apparatus of the Nazi Party.
Goebbels playbook remains mantra of the current version of the trumplicans.
The devil is in the details. I keep hoping to see those proclaiming the second coming of Adolph Hitler providing the devilish details of how Adolph the Second gaining absolute power is pulled off, leading to goose-stepping past the reviewing stand next January. Seriously.
Just FYI from Florida: Guv DeSanitizus established a state wide “army” that reports “only” to himself, The Florida State Guard. (Not at all affiliated with the Florida National Guard).
There’s 1500 of those Brown Shirts (literally, brown shirts) already across Florida, and more being produced every month.
They are “trained” in crowd control as well as various forms of combat against predicted enemies of the state (read: Democrats and/or Black folks).
Look it up.
It should first scare everyone, then motivate each of us to enhance personal defense capabilities (!) and/or move your families out of Florida (which is what we’re doing, July 30th)
Yes. The end of our Constitutional Republic appears to be near.
And the About reads "With a heritage dating back to WWII, Governor DeSantis reactivated the Florida State Guard in 2022 as a state-supported volunteer force providing rapid emergency response. Since the modern relaunch, the Florida State Guard’s continued growth in capability and personnel strengthens Florida’s emergency response in aviation, maritime, and land-based operations. The Florida State Guard is committed to serving Florida families in need—anytime, anywhere.
Currently, 23 states and the territory of Puerto Rico actively maintain state guards. State guards are authorized under Title 32 of the U.S. Code and operate distinctly from the National Guard. They are state-funded, responsive to the Governor and focused on the needs of their home state. The 23 states that currently maintain a state guard are Alaska, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington."
So is the copy regarding the 23 states in error in some way? Or does it being Florida and your "...Guv DeSanitizus... work for you because it fits a particular narrative you seek to advance?
Saving you the "Look it up" here are links for some of the other states:
“Ortiz’ hiring raises additional concerns as the Florida state guard is reportedly being trained as an armed, combat-ready militia under DeSantis’s command versus a disaster relief agency, according to military veteran recruits who have quit the state guard training program.
Volunteers with the state guard are increasingly being trained for combat, according to an investigation by the Miami Herald and Tampa Bay Times, with some guard members experiencing “abuse” from training officers.”
DeSanitizus created “The Florida State Guard” after learning that he was required to justify using the Florida National Guard for political errands.
Many of the initial “recruits” to the FSG resigned from that outfit when they realized its true purpose. Sorry Bub, you failed to refute DeSantizus’ Raison de Etre:
(From The Guardian)
“Florida ex-cop with ‘patterns of abuse and bias’ joins DeSantis’s state guard
Javier Ortiz, accused of false arrests, harassment and doxxing, is now member of group reportedly becoming combat-ready militia
Gloria Oladipo
Tue 7 May 2024 16.25 EDT
“A former Florida police captain with a long history of civilian complaints, including false arrests and harassment, has joined the state’s state guard under governor Ron DeSantis.
Javier Ortiz, 44, joined the Florida state guard in February, the Miami Herald first reported. Ortiz’s enrollment comes months after being reinstated by the Miami police department, after he was initially dismissed for slew of conduct complaints.
As a member of the Florida state guard, Ortiz could be sent to assist during natural disasters or with other statewide emergencies, the Herald reported.
A spokesperson for the Florida state guard could not be reached by the Guardian in time for publication.
Several people have questioned why Ortiz is allowed to join the Florida state guard given his past misconduct.
“I can’t wrap my mind around how concerning this is,” Rodney Jacobs, the director of Miami’s civilian police review panel, said to the Herald about Ortiz joining the state guard.
Jacobs added: “Are they being vetted?”
In 2022, Ortiz was fired by the Miami police department after an internal investigation found that the veteran police officer had been the subject of more than 70 complaints since being hired in 2004, NBC Miami reported.
Ortiz was the focus of a total of 52 citizen complaints, 20 excessive force complaints and two administrative complaints.
During a two-year inquiry into Ortiz’s conduct, witnesses alleged that Ortiz engaged in “pattern of abuse and bias against minorities, particularly African-Americans”, and previously cyber-stalked and doxxed people who complained against him or other officers, the Herald reported.
In one instance, Ortiz circulated the photo and contact information of a woman who posted video of a Miami-Dade police officer speeding in a suburban area.
The woman later received hundreds of threats. Ortiz was investigated for cyberbullying and other violations by the department due to that incident.
Ortiz has also been suspended from the police force multiple times before his dismissal last year.
At the time of Ortiz’s initial firing, Miami police chief Manny Morales said to NBC Miami that Ortiz was dismissed because of the amount of infractions on his record.
“He has, through his entire career, been able intimidate and manipulate the disciplinary process of the Miami police department to avoid any serious consequences for his actions,” said Morales.
But, despite the investigation, Ortiz was later rehired last May and allowed to keep his rank, NBC Miami reported.
Ortiz’s hiring raises additional concerns as the Florida state guard is reportedly being trained as an armed, combat-ready militia under DeSantis’s command versus a disaster relief agency, according to military veteran recruits who have quit the state guard training program.
Volunteers with the state guard are increasingly being trained for combat, according to an investigation by the Miami Herald and Tampa Bay Times, with some guard members experiencing “abuse” from training officers.”
1)No links to your sources so it becomes a "trust me, I've got a really good feeling about this one".
2)One data point (DeSanitizus, Ortiz, Florida) doesn't make a trend
3) To reiterate from my first reply: You provide no devilish details of how Adolph the Second (Trump) gaining absolute power is pulled off, leading to goose-stepping past the reviewing stand next January."
There are 22 other states listed with these guard/defense forces. What's happening in them to facilitate this Nazi takeover?
For someone with little history here, you certainly have injected a ton of projection into this convo. Your original Nazi comment was purposefully ridiculous, so I did not address it.
What I did report was that DeSanitizus’ created a personal “army”, directed only by himself. That’s a fact. And that a significant number of the “recruits” to that “army” resigned from it as they discovered that the purported tasks the force was being created for were secondary at best.
Job One was “crowd control” for BLM events, and against “Antifa”, which only exists (rent free) in trumpist minds).
In Florida, The Florida Guard is a Political Army, not a public safety group. Injecting every other state with such a group into this convo is disingenuous, albeit typical from your ilk.
Going back to my life now. You should try to get one.
Many people will say they dislike bullies when they are actually attracted to them. This is why so many voters in 2016 polls said they were voting for the intelligent, experienced woman, while they actually voted for the empty-headed bully. This same group will say they dislike cheaters, while actually respecting them (they are "smart," right?) . This personality type is Trump's original, core constituency. The fact that Vance studied this phenomena and slipped it on like a MAGA hat is not too much for this group to swallow.
I believe that a great many people who claim to be voting for Trump despite his flaws are actually drawn to him because of his severe defects of character.
Agreed, Carol. It is the center of the attraction for many. And many of them invent nonsense explanations to cover it. I know someone who says Trump is the only one who will stand up to Putin. Trump will certainly come to a quid pro quo deal with Putin, and my friend will call it "standing up" to him. There Trump goes being so smart again.
Is your friend also one of the Trumpites who are outraged that Biden is actually standing up to Putin (if not as vigorously as some would want)?
It's very strange to see MAGA-land veer between "Putin invaded because of Biden's weakens" and "Puttin invaded because he was provoked by threatening talk about NATO expansion."
It seems that, with Vance's comment about how women need to stay in abusive relationships, along with the overturning of Roe and the anti-women policies in Project 2025, there can be very significant messaging that Trump/Vance will result in a horrific change for women. If they going after the white male vote, they need to make women pay the price for that. Note that there are no counter policies or expectations that men will actually take responsibility for their parts in relationships.
Vance has also said a pregnancy as a result of a rape or incest is "inconvenient", but certainly not enough of a tragedy to allow a 12 year old an abortion. I hope none of his precious "biracial" daughters ever gets raped.
There is of course the one clearest exemplar of poor white working men rising to national prominence. Abraham Lincoln. Compare his rhetoric to Vance’s in any area you choose and see who comes out on top.
Hi Mark, Just letting you know that this article inspired me to make my own post. thanks for your work! https://mchubbard.substack.com/p/did-you-know-that-jd-vance-is-a-dei
Having Vance as vice president has done nothing to expand. Donald Trump's base.. fortunately. He is just continuing to preach to the same dumb anti-woman white male choir. Furthermore, he showed his stupidity by saying that women should stay in abusive relationships... Clearly he does not know what that does to children. . The largest voting block is not white males. It is white women and we are going to be voting. We don't like being treated like handmaids and we don't like being minimized. The Republican party has become the party of Rich white men and the hell with everybody else. I hope this is quite clear.
"Rubio would give Trump a little more of an edge with Hispanic voters, who have been drifting more rightward in recent years." I'm sure all the Hispanic voters loved to see all the mass deportation signs at the RNC. Vance got every job he ever had, including getting elected to the Senate, because of Thiel. Trump wants a close connection to Thiel's money. With Trump, it's always about the money. I'm also waiting for the long essays on how Trump-Vance will lose women voters over abortion and misogyny. Women voters, and only suburban women voters (i.e., white), get a sentence or two, as an after-thought. Trump's an adjudicated rapist, among other serious problems, who keeps reminding everyone how he lost that case, and will sign a national abortion ban. I doubt you could find many women that believe he won't. Vance has publicly said that there should be no abortion exceptions due to rape or incest because any resulting pregnancy is simply an inconvenience. Women who die, or who have serious medical complications, because doctors and hospitals won't/can't perform an abortion are simply collateral damage; they truly don't care. According to Vance, I'm a single crazy cat lady who's ruined the US (I need a T-shirt with that on it). I'm not certain if I've ruined the US because I'm single, or crazy (I need a definition), or because I have a cat. I am certain that Trump and Vance hate me and have no use for me. The anti-women policies in Project 2025 are even worse. They want to eliminate no fault divorce and Vance thinks women should stay in abusive marriages. They never ever talk about going after the men who are guilty of rape (well they can't since their candidate is guilty) and incest (too many Republicans at the state level like the idea of child marriages). They don't talk about providing funds to support the women who've been raped or subject to incest, or taking on the problems of abusive marriages or doing anything to help women. They don't support paid parental leave or any measure to provide support during pregnancy or afterwards. They want to use the 14th Amendment to give personhood to an embryo but not to allow a women to have the right to make decisions about her own body. More women have been enrolling in college and graduating. More women are registered to vote. The state abortion ballot initiatives have been organized by women, and there are 11 more initiatives on the November ballot. But sure, keep underestimating women, especially women of color. Talk more and more about white men and how important they are, women just love to hear that.
JD Vance said that Alex Jones is a more reliable source of information than Rachel Maddow.
Even if I disagreed with every single one of Maddow's policy views (rather than some of them), I would say it's either insane or deeply cynical to regard Alex Jones as more "reliable."
I'm appalled that so many people are willing to data mine in order to put these autocratic politicians in power. I blamed Susie Wiles at first, but clearly there are LEGIONS of people right behind her making sure this gets done.
May they all burn in hell for their actions. How dare they try to take our rights, and how dare so many people allow this!
It's something of a cold comfort that the Hitler Youth left their tiki torches at home this time, but that's still one scary picture. The flags don't fool anybody who doesn't want to be fooled. They probably realize that, or at least their leaders do.
In a more sensible time, people would interpret Trump's narrow escape as evidence he had sold his soul to the Old Deceiver. What better example than Hitler; he managed to escape death from bombs, at least two, I think.
Prompted by Trump's claim last night regarding his survival as the work of "Providence", I did a little more research. Here's what ChatGPT produced about seven failed attempts on Hitler's life. https://chatgpt.com/share/04a0e072-14f5-460e-b9d6-21d03e8c052b
So basically American women who think of HANDMAIDENS TALE as a negative need to LYSISTRATA our asses, stat.
I feel like Vance was just a Heritage Foundation pick. Their ideal standard barer for Project 2025. Trump will likely die during his term, or become so mentally incapacitated that the opportunity to 25th Amendment him will be available. Then the have a young, intelligent, power hungry Vance to run their distopian future.
I like to think that Vance will have a "road-to-Damascus" moment where he sees what's the PULP FICTION briefcase ... and it truly changes him.
I can't like the comment, but I have to concur. Time to start with the Vote for Trump, Get Vance ads using his comments back when he was a Never Trumper, suggesting TFG is America's Adolph Hitler and clarifying where his money came from, not from the sweat of his brow but the favor of a rich venture capitalist who made his money off hard-working people.
You don't come out and say it, but do you think the white-man strategy hurts Kamala's chances if she ends up at the top of the ticket? Or can she pick up enough votes from other demographics to win, even if white men flock to Trump?
Put Tim Ryan on the ticket with her.
I'm sure he'd be happy for the job! :-) I love him as a fellow Ohioan.
Sadly I think that many Democratic white men, who would pick Biden 10 out of 10 times, would think twice or 3 times about voting for Harris. Don't underestimate the racism and misogyny among the white male OG Democratic voter.
One tiny bit of fun would be if Kamala stays VP. I'd love to see her wallop JD in the debate. She's got the chops to do it. Game on!! But no, bad idea because it would mean no change in the B/H ticket.
I never do. That's why team Trump is thinking Vance will speak to them. On the other hand, I think Harris will play well with women. She speaks very effectively about reproductive rights.
I agree - I just hope that their hatred for Trump overpowers their latent racism.
Go for it. Double-down on the "he-man women haters club." More women then men vote in every election. No abortion, no contraception, no IVF, no more no fault divorce, women forced to stay in abusive marriages- the Rs are truly an anti-women party. Sure, the trad wives may vote for that, but the rest of us women are PISSED OFF. We WILL NOT go back!!!
Props for the Calvin & Hobbs callback!
Go for it, ma'am (and I use that respectfully).
Prediction: Don Jr. talked Daddy into picking Vance so that, in 2028, Vance returns the favor and picks Don Jr. as his running mate.
What are Saturday's winning Powerball numbers?
No spoilers, but the supplemental number is 17.
Many people are saying that 17 is too old for Matt Gaetz
That's why it's supplemental.
Joseph Goebbels learned, then practiced his evil propaganda genius on behalf of his idol.
It worked astonishingly well at the beginnings of the Third Reich, throughout that regime, and continued so until artillery and bombs destroyed the remaining communication apparatus of the Nazi Party.
Goebbels playbook remains mantra of the current version of the trumplicans.
The devil is in the details. I keep hoping to see those proclaiming the second coming of Adolph Hitler providing the devilish details of how Adolph the Second gaining absolute power is pulled off, leading to goose-stepping past the reviewing stand next January. Seriously.
Just FYI from Florida: Guv DeSanitizus established a state wide “army” that reports “only” to himself, The Florida State Guard. (Not at all affiliated with the Florida National Guard).
There’s 1500 of those Brown Shirts (literally, brown shirts) already across Florida, and more being produced every month.
They are “trained” in crowd control as well as various forms of combat against predicted enemies of the state (read: Democrats and/or Black folks).
Look it up.
It should first scare everyone, then motivate each of us to enhance personal defense capabilities (!) and/or move your families out of Florida (which is what we’re doing, July 30th)
Yes. The end of our Constitutional Republic appears to be near.
Okay Bill, I'll byte with your "Look it up".
And here is the red flag with the "look it up":
You provided 1) no link to your source or 2) even the key words (in order) you used for your search
I used DuckDuckGo with "Florida State Guard", which lead me to https://www.floridastateguard.org/
And the About reads "With a heritage dating back to WWII, Governor DeSantis reactivated the Florida State Guard in 2022 as a state-supported volunteer force providing rapid emergency response. Since the modern relaunch, the Florida State Guard’s continued growth in capability and personnel strengthens Florida’s emergency response in aviation, maritime, and land-based operations. The Florida State Guard is committed to serving Florida families in need—anytime, anywhere.
Currently, 23 states and the territory of Puerto Rico actively maintain state guards. State guards are authorized under Title 32 of the U.S. Code and operate distinctly from the National Guard. They are state-funded, responsive to the Governor and focused on the needs of their home state. The 23 states that currently maintain a state guard are Alaska, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington."
So is the copy regarding the 23 states in error in some way? Or does it being Florida and your "...Guv DeSanitizus... work for you because it fits a particular narrative you seek to advance?
Saving you the "Look it up" here are links for some of the other states:
“Ortiz’ hiring raises additional concerns as the Florida state guard is reportedly being trained as an armed, combat-ready militia under DeSantis’s command versus a disaster relief agency, according to military veteran recruits who have quit the state guard training program.
Volunteers with the state guard are increasingly being trained for combat, according to an investigation by the Miami Herald and Tampa Bay Times, with some guard members experiencing “abuse” from training officers.”
DeSanitizus created “The Florida State Guard” after learning that he was required to justify using the Florida National Guard for political errands.
Many of the initial “recruits” to the FSG resigned from that outfit when they realized its true purpose. Sorry Bub, you failed to refute DeSantizus’ Raison de Etre:
(From The Guardian)
“Florida ex-cop with ‘patterns of abuse and bias’ joins DeSantis’s state guard
Javier Ortiz, accused of false arrests, harassment and doxxing, is now member of group reportedly becoming combat-ready militia
Gloria Oladipo
Tue 7 May 2024 16.25 EDT
“A former Florida police captain with a long history of civilian complaints, including false arrests and harassment, has joined the state’s state guard under governor Ron DeSantis.
Javier Ortiz, 44, joined the Florida state guard in February, the Miami Herald first reported. Ortiz’s enrollment comes months after being reinstated by the Miami police department, after he was initially dismissed for slew of conduct complaints.
As a member of the Florida state guard, Ortiz could be sent to assist during natural disasters or with other statewide emergencies, the Herald reported.
A spokesperson for the Florida state guard could not be reached by the Guardian in time for publication.
Several people have questioned why Ortiz is allowed to join the Florida state guard given his past misconduct.
“I can’t wrap my mind around how concerning this is,” Rodney Jacobs, the director of Miami’s civilian police review panel, said to the Herald about Ortiz joining the state guard.
Jacobs added: “Are they being vetted?”
In 2022, Ortiz was fired by the Miami police department after an internal investigation found that the veteran police officer had been the subject of more than 70 complaints since being hired in 2004, NBC Miami reported.
Ortiz was the focus of a total of 52 citizen complaints, 20 excessive force complaints and two administrative complaints.
During a two-year inquiry into Ortiz’s conduct, witnesses alleged that Ortiz engaged in “pattern of abuse and bias against minorities, particularly African-Americans”, and previously cyber-stalked and doxxed people who complained against him or other officers, the Herald reported.
In one instance, Ortiz circulated the photo and contact information of a woman who posted video of a Miami-Dade police officer speeding in a suburban area.
The woman later received hundreds of threats. Ortiz was investigated for cyberbullying and other violations by the department due to that incident.
Ortiz has also been suspended from the police force multiple times before his dismissal last year.
At the time of Ortiz’s initial firing, Miami police chief Manny Morales said to NBC Miami that Ortiz was dismissed because of the amount of infractions on his record.
“He has, through his entire career, been able intimidate and manipulate the disciplinary process of the Miami police department to avoid any serious consequences for his actions,” said Morales.
But, despite the investigation, Ortiz was later rehired last May and allowed to keep his rank, NBC Miami reported.
Ortiz’s hiring raises additional concerns as the Florida state guard is reportedly being trained as an armed, combat-ready militia under DeSantis’s command versus a disaster relief agency, according to military veteran recruits who have quit the state guard training program.
Volunteers with the state guard are increasingly being trained for combat, according to an investigation by the Miami Herald and Tampa Bay Times, with some guard members experiencing “abuse” from training officers.”
1)No links to your sources so it becomes a "trust me, I've got a really good feeling about this one".
2)One data point (DeSanitizus, Ortiz, Florida) doesn't make a trend
3) To reiterate from my first reply: You provide no devilish details of how Adolph the Second (Trump) gaining absolute power is pulled off, leading to goose-stepping past the reviewing stand next January."
There are 22 other states listed with these guard/defense forces. What's happening in them to facilitate this Nazi takeover?
For someone with little history here, you certainly have injected a ton of projection into this convo. Your original Nazi comment was purposefully ridiculous, so I did not address it.
What I did report was that DeSanitizus’ created a personal “army”, directed only by himself. That’s a fact. And that a significant number of the “recruits” to that “army” resigned from it as they discovered that the purported tasks the force was being created for were secondary at best.
Job One was “crowd control” for BLM events, and against “Antifa”, which only exists (rent free) in trumpist minds).
In Florida, The Florida Guard is a Political Army, not a public safety group. Injecting every other state with such a group into this convo is disingenuous, albeit typical from your ilk.
Going back to my life now. You should try to get one.
Many people will say they dislike bullies when they are actually attracted to them. This is why so many voters in 2016 polls said they were voting for the intelligent, experienced woman, while they actually voted for the empty-headed bully. This same group will say they dislike cheaters, while actually respecting them (they are "smart," right?) . This personality type is Trump's original, core constituency. The fact that Vance studied this phenomena and slipped it on like a MAGA hat is not too much for this group to swallow.
I believe that a great many people who claim to be voting for Trump despite his flaws are actually drawn to him because of his severe defects of character.
Agreed, Carol. It is the center of the attraction for many. And many of them invent nonsense explanations to cover it. I know someone who says Trump is the only one who will stand up to Putin. Trump will certainly come to a quid pro quo deal with Putin, and my friend will call it "standing up" to him. There Trump goes being so smart again.
Is your friend also one of the Trumpites who are outraged that Biden is actually standing up to Putin (if not as vigorously as some would want)?
It's very strange to see MAGA-land veer between "Putin invaded because of Biden's weakens" and "Puttin invaded because he was provoked by threatening talk about NATO expansion."
It seems that, with Vance's comment about how women need to stay in abusive relationships, along with the overturning of Roe and the anti-women policies in Project 2025, there can be very significant messaging that Trump/Vance will result in a horrific change for women. If they going after the white male vote, they need to make women pay the price for that. Note that there are no counter policies or expectations that men will actually take responsibility for their parts in relationships.
Vance has also said a pregnancy as a result of a rape or incest is "inconvenient", but certainly not enough of a tragedy to allow a 12 year old an abortion. I hope none of his precious "biracial" daughters ever gets raped.
For the daughter's sake, I hope so, too. He, however, could use a wake-up call, but not at the expense of a 12 year old, his or anyone else's.
There is of course the one clearest exemplar of poor white working men rising to national prominence. Abraham Lincoln. Compare his rhetoric to Vance’s in any area you choose and see who comes out on top.