JVL - since you cover the trump 2028 beat, what did you think of his comments about that in the Super Bowl interview, and what did you think of the fact the Fox's Bret Baier asked the question? I think the question is an indicator that for now Fox is accepting reality on that subject. Thank you!

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I doubt Trump will live that long, but I wouldn’t expect unrigged elections in our lifetimes.

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And we also need to consider the various end-run scenarios, in which he is not elected, but rather is elevated to office through some mechanism that violates the spirit, but not the letter, of the 22nd Amendment. E.g., becoming for VP, then elected POTUS resigns, or becoming SOTH, and both POTUS and VP vacate. SCOTUS could easily uphold that.

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Of course he's going to try. Look what he has already gotten away with!! He says what he is going to constantly and he gets away with it because there are no real rules! Mitch Maconald changed the "rule" over the length of time when a president could nominate a supreme court judge, are system allows him to keep appleaing all his misdeeds, Merit Garland allowed him to slide after his refusal to peacefully allow the rightful president to take office, hence Jan 6th!! But before that, Maconald refused to impeachment him, therfore other Republicans followed suit. Where is THE RULE OF LAW?? in this God forsaken country. What the heck are we afraid of?

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I don't think the language of the 22nd is even as "ironclad" in the first place as JVL says since (in its own words!) it only bans getting "elected", not "serving as". (Interestingly, early drafts of the 22nd did prohibit "serving as". But for some reason that language didn't survive into the final draft).

So, sadly, plenty of room for SCOTUS to spit out some opinion saying a "have Trump be the VP candidate, then take over as president when the president resigns after winning" scheme is, if regrettable, still perfectly fine.

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Remember, everyone, that the GOP claims to be the party of law, order, and fealty to the Constitution.

One minute after "My Kevin" visited trump at mar-a-lago and kissed the ring, I knew that trump would run again and, based on the intellect of the American electorate, would likely win. I'd bet $10,000 that he will either run again for 2028 or somehow suspend elections so he can remain in office. Anyone who thinks otherwise must still believe that trump adheres to laws, rules, and norms.

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You were the first to suggest trump would run again in 2024, which i thought was ridiculous at the time. Nothing is off the table anymore.

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Are there any SCOTUS justices wiling to take a shit on the 22nd Amendment? Alito and Thomas. Any other questions?

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Trump has no plan to leave office. He still wants to stay out of prison.

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I agree that he has no plan to leave office, but I think prison is already off the table. Judge Merchan was its best chance, and he's said "no." The previous cases won't be resurrected, and the Supreme Court's immunity decision makes additional charges against Trump unlikely. Unfortunately, prison is not in Trump's future. At least it sounds like he'll forever be branded a felon, though.

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Agree with you on past cases

Of course Trump being Trump, he could always get himself into trouble during this second term - imagine a post 2026 world where Dems control Senate and House, and we go down the impeachment road again.

Example: Trump + Bondi + Patel go after Trump's 'enemies'

Trump challenges the 22nd Amendment, and breaks out the 2020 playbook.

This would also require no Trump health issues. Seems really unlikely.

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But now that Alito, Thomas and the rest of the Inferior Court have announced that Trump is infallible, would anything he does after this point make any difference? Perhaps if he breaks another law after he is a private citizen... but full-blown dementia will probably have caught up with him by that point, and he'll just be sitting around drooling.

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I think the Democrats should go ahead and propose an amendment to repeal the 22nd Amendment, so long as Barack Obama says he would run in 2028 if the Constitution allows.

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Yikes is right. But hard to disagree that this might easily happen.

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Trumpler not leaving of his own feee will. We know him very well, by now.

We’re so up close inside the last 10 years of daily molecular authoritarian drift that the dimwits, conspiracy theorists, racists, self serving wealthy, the rubes and lemmings can’t -or won’t- see the GOP for what they are.

Frog is boiled, I think…

Democracy already gone, I think…

In spite of passing some very good legislation, Biden will be viewed by history as America’s 1930-era version of Germany’s Paul Von Hindenburg. Both rolled over in epic failures of imagination and weak naïveté, inviting back into power the dark energy of former criminal insurrectionists.

We’re just in denial ‘cause we’re sitting on the final edge of the abyss.

We did this to ourselves - corrupt, stupid, selfish, “me here now” electorate.

God help America…

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Trumpler will not willingly leave. We know this person by now, right..?

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Have we forgotten that the rules don't apply to the Orange God-King. Rules are for everyone else.

This is why Biden should have had Trump arrested and thrown in jail. The Supreme's said a President has immunity when it comes to official acts, so Biden should have created an "official act" and thrown Trump in jail. I know that goes against everything Biden, the Democrats and most normal people stand for, but the Orange God-King needs to see what he hath wrought.

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Wouldn’t such a ruling mean Obama could run again, and do we think he could be persuaded to do so? And would that possibility dampen or complicate Trump’s interest in perusing that path?

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Seems a reasonable assumption. But then Trump would suspend elections to stop that from happening.

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Unless I missed it, which is possible. JVL seems to always discount how old the mother effer is in this consideration. If he was even 4 years younger I would be a lot more worried about this possibility.

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