One way or the other?

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Here in Texas, we have Kate Cox showing real courage by taking her case to court and making the very public decision to go out of state for an abortion. She will be harassed constantly with death threats and stalking, no doubt. She already had to take down all of her social media. I'm sure the state will try and arrest and harrass her, ruining her career and quality of life. FWIW, I have worked with her in the past and she is the best of people.

Yet Republicans can't even stand up and voice support for a candidate other than Trump. Simple cowardice. And guess what: you may be next in Trump's firing squad lineup, no matter what you do or don't do. Yet you can't stand up and say "this is wrong?"

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In '22, Ron Johnson's senate seat was there for the plucking. But Wisconsin Dems, despite warnings, nominated a flawed candidate, Mandela Barnes. He lost to the Senate's kookiest member. Either Alex Lasry or Sarah Gladewski would have won and strengthened Shumer's majority. Dems are on the same path with Biden. He's underwater on Israel, high prices, illegal immigration and his elderly infirmities. He doesn't have one positive number. Most Dems don't want him to run. The insiders are terrified, but are too timid to speak. This is an impending disaster. The Biden claque says not to worry, things will get better. Whistling by the graveyard. There are lot of younger and much more talented Dems out there. Time for them to rise up and take this nomination away the losing candidacy of Joe Biden.

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At this point the GOP has passed so many off-ramps from Trump that one is forced to conclude that they’re on the road they want to be on… no one is that shitty a driver— not even my mother-in-law. (Even she’d have exited at random by now… but not the GOP. Full speed ahead to Neverland…)

Read: Trumpism/Trump/fascism adjacent positions are a feature, not a bug. Here’s hoping the Ds can pull this off yet again…

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Assymetry again and again and again.

If a Democratic President did anything like it, it would play on Fox News everyday for at least one year. I heard random, moderate people talking about Obama's apology for years after he didn't really apologize in the first place. In Cairo, "...it led us to act contrary to our traditions and our ideals." For this, Fox News painted Obama as basically anti-American for years. I just can't take it. Do I need to create my own "Duresky Report" and play this GIF at the top every day?

Good grief.

Sorry... I was... uh... triggered.

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Yeah I never saw this Trump photo of him saluting. One NK official in the back has a partial smile as of thinking: “Wow, really? Look at that.” Trump has done and said so many awful things it’s not possible to know them all. Yes, if Obama had done that the GOP would have, rightly, gone ballistic. In fact Obama never even gave NK the benefit of a personal visit (as far as I know) because NK uses it for propaganda.

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Yes it's true: Republicans are actively choosing an insurrectionist and coup plotter. They prefer power over democracy and our Constitution. What a damning indictment of them.

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The Texas Supreme Court ruled against a woman who sought a court-approved abortion. She had already decided to leave the state for the procedure. "

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The idea of any significant group of republicans standing up against Trump is a fantasy. A lot of us believed it would happen in 2016 but it never did. It didn’t happen in 2020 either. I can’t imagine why anybody thinks it’s going to happen this time. Republicans fall in line, it’s been going on it’s been going on forever.

And all the candidates, including Christie, will fall in line. Does anybody think one prominent Republican, including people who are retired, will endorse Biden in the general? I remember Democrats for Nixon, Democratic Governors and Senators endorsing Reagan, Lieberman endorsing McCain, but can anybody name the Republicans who crossed over in the last 50 years?

And I have a question for Tim:

WHERE ARE THE BUSHES? Are they going to stand by and do nothing if Trump is the nominee?

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They are going to vote for Trump, so I guess that's not nothing.

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Is anyone else bothered by, or at least cognizant of, the fact that we haven't had a single primary election yet and yet there are only a handful of candidates left - none of them good ones. Did I miss something? Silly me, I thought it was up to the voters to decide who moved on to the general. It feels like by the time Iowa rolls around, their choice will be yes or no for Trump. Seems kinda messed up - just sayin.

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The money primary precedes the voter primary.

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Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump. Biden. Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump. Biden. Trump . Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump. Biden. Trump...

The hue and cry regarding Orange's re-ascendancy overwhelms the accomplishments of Joe. When Joe is mentioned, it is more often fraught with despair.

When does this end?

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It ends January 20, 2025. All of it.

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One way or the other?

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I would prefer one way, but I am not betting against the other way.

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It is time for Americans that believe in democracy to write off the entire republican party. I have not seen one save maybe Romney and Christie that are worth the powder it would take to blow them up. No republican at any level in any state, they are all would be dictators that want to control EVERYTHING, from children's lives to women's healthcare. TX and that POS Paxton were pretty much the last straw, proving once and for all cruelty is indeed the point. All that remains is the bought off republican supreme court to declare t***p a king and it will be all over but the hangings.

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“This continues a 16-year long streak of Republicans succumbing to the populist insurgents...” Isn’t that what the Republican voter want?

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Why isn't there a section of the Republicans taking the gamble that there's a "Biden crushes Trump, Trump gets convicted" scenario where they can stand up and say "see I told you so, now come follow me"? (a little bit like how Obama's vote against the war helped him beat Hillary in 2008)

I think most of the answer is cowardice or expediency in their personal lives. But I also tthink part of the answer is that these Republican electeds know that the current Republican coalition cannot hold if Trump is discredited. If Nikki wins, there's no Republican party to be in the good graces of. Trump lights the whole thing on fire. Trump will not accept not being the Republican nominee and neither will a good portion of his devotees. If Trump is no longer the leader of the Republican party, so much of MAGA are no longer Republicans. Only Trump can hold together the coalition of MAGA and the low taxes, low regulation wealthy.

In short, a coach was once asked why they don't have a good backup for Peyton Manning and the answer was "if Peyton goes down we're fucked. We don't plan for fucked." If Trump is discredited, the Republican party is fucked. They're not planning for fucked.

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I'll tell you how stupid and asinine people are. Yesterday I read that pro Palestinian Arabs in the US are encouraging all Muslim Americans to vote against Biden. Today I read that Latinos are moving to Trump.

A couple of weeks ago Trump made a speech and said he would deport Muslims and put illegal immigrants who crossed the border in "camps".

So these Muslims would be safe because they are citizens and the Latinos would feel that they are safe because they are not illegal. Now you and I all know that when the deportations and interments start, no one's going to look at their papers, only faces. Don't they get that?

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Ha ha.

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