Jim Acosta’s comment about still believing some Rs will step up to the plate inspired me to action—I and some friends will send a copy of Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde’s book, How We Learn to be Brave to every senator and representative. Naive action, perhaps, but we only need to change a few hearts and minds. We could use some support for our Go Fund Me, if anyone is interested. https://www.gofundme.com/f/brave-expectations-call-our-reps-to-courageous-action

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Yes. Yes we are.

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She does actually, the Voice of Palestine is a radio broadcast station in Ramallah, and she was defending the bombing of their headquarters, explaining that because their broadcasts were hostile to Israel they ought to be considered legitimate targets for attack.

I strongly disagree with the bottom line you take. The excuse "war is shitty" should not be the bottom line. This reminds me of a scene from The West Wing where one character learns another knowingly made him commit a war crime. "How could you make me do that?" The commanding officer sadly states "All war is a crime."

And, uh, no! As a Marine veteran, there are rules of war we follow. Some acts of war are worse than others! Killing journalists because you think their writing is bad is exactly what MbS did to that WP journalist Kashoggi, and Applebaum was rightly upset about that. I have no idea how she squares that circle.

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Full on . Talk it up boys, interesting about your beginnings. Yin/Yang of sorts, also our history, (WBIR start Acosta! I lived there too, never would have guessed). Do another one!


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how does Ukraine out last this? Be real Jim! What if Trump manages to turn off the Social Security payments? What about all the farmers that have lost their income because of USAID going away?

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Like it. Do it again. Do it again (said the teletubby...)

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You are way more hopeful than I am. I'm completely dispirited at this point.

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Great conversations, thank you!!

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Terrible sound volume; I had to strain to listen, but couldn't bother. True when I tried to listen in real time. I hoped this would be better, but it's not.

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Same. I so wanted to hear this but could not spend 30 minutes with my ear next to my speakers.

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At about 8 minute mark, re SCOTUS: what about an 'immunity' like ruling - something along the lines of what is allowable under the outer periphery of executive powers which means each individual act has to be brought into question and the ultimate arbiter in every case as to what that outer periphery is is, of course, SCOTUS. Frankly, post immunity ruling where they went far beyond what virtually anyone could imagine, I can't trust SCOTUS at this point.

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Exact opposites, yet so much alike! Great duo and very interesting & fun.

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I am writing this comment in as many Bulwark feeds as I can in hopes that it can find its way to Dems who can promote this message. We are in a government shut down. No one is using this term for what is happening, and yet, it is very, very unpopular with voters. Fact: This administration is shutting down the government, albeit in bits and pieces. The opposition should steadily and consistently refer to "the ongoing government shut down" in every interview. Most voters don't have any clue what that means anyway. But... when it comes time for the House to vote on the budget, or a spending bill (if they ever get that far), the Dems will be accused of shutting down the government and it will carry over into the 2026 mid-terms. If the current situation is called what it is-- a government shut down-- the Dems actions will simply be refusing to fund a government that is already shut down and an executive branch that refuses to spend the money that the legislature has appropriated.

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Excellent interview. How about everybody doesn’t file their taxes as a protest.

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Excellent discussion.

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Loved it! Please keep it going!

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Bulwark+ Takes - really great idea. Interesting to listen to Jim Acosta but also to listen to JVL’s answers at the end.

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