I'm confused by JVL's comments about wanting the Bulwark to be the "junior varsity for the Atlantic." The Atlantic is mostly trash. The Bulwark is pretty good. The Atlantic is definitely not the "indispensable" magazine for the moment.

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I love the Atlantic. What about do you dislike? I'm just curious. Not judging.

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Low key modesty. (Don't believe it. Lol. He probably thought that once, now just says it with a wink and a nod. He thinks they're better.)

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As a progressive liberal, I agree with Judd about The Bulwark. My experience with people who generally vote Republican is that I share values with them, most of the differences have to do with how far one can trust government and individuals to do the right thing. I long for the GOP that existed under Nixon as he created the Environmental Protection Agency and passed the Endangered Species Act and so unlike Reagan, he used government's power for the general welfare. From what I hear, many Reagan Republicans appear to think that government has that role too, I hope that that is true.

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All this new crypto that Trump and Trump Jr are promoting is the biggest corruption scam in the history of the American presidency. My question is, if the Dems get the presidency in 2028, will the Justice dept, or what's left of it, indict Trump and Jr, or are they scared off bc of the last indictment went so wrong?

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You guys are not "the never trumpets" you are the home for the Centrists for Common Sense!

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I only have two classes on TTh yet somehow you (conveniently) choose to go live during one of them?

Have you ever even thanked me for the tremendous words I contribute? And I have the best words, everybody says so.

I think you should apologize, to the entire world, which clearly revolves around me.

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Could Judd finish what he was saying re Trump v Musk, who is more important and why via you …JVL? It was getting very interesting when he froze. Thanks,

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Loving the WTF 2.0 - thanks for bringing it on. Also loved hearing about the history of the Bulwark on Substack. I only found Substack last year and so many great journalists and people are on the platform. I thinks it’s great!

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I love magazines. I have two print versions that I get. Sitting and reading a magazine is such a different experience from reading online.

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On the "never trumper" title forever, let me tell you my one story. I am a former Republican in a ruby red state who believed in the shining city on the hill. My friend, whom I gave hell about watching Youtube because of all the hyperbole and slanted out of context quotes, left leaning podcasts, got me to listen to TYT. After the algorithm learned a little, I saw Tim, Sara, and you, JVL on a Next Level. I found my people. Conservative background, horrified by what is happening. I found ya'll after Biden withdrew and I felt a twinge of hope with Kamala entering. I mean I was there for 1.0, but being a Gen Xer I was still trying to get less slanted news from AP and Reuters. I also followed BBC, Al Jazeera, and Fox to round out my consumption. I still follow those, but you guys are my people. Sometimes I can't handle Fox, but I do try to read and listen to more than one view. Anyway, I was not with you as the OG never trumpers so maybe that is why I don't label you with only that label. You guys give me a sort of a news analysis home. I appreciate you all greatly and have hope more former Repubs can find a bit of a home with you as I have.

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I am from a ruby red state, born and raised in dixie, so I hope you will forgive my grammatical errors I know are throughout my comments. :)

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Howdy comrade! I'm a working class redneck socialist from Texas. We welcome every American who believes in Liberty & Justice For All.

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Really enjoying these WTF 2.0’s!!!

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Judd Legum, you have a new fan; what an interesting discussion on so many levels. Both your histories with Substack were so illuminating. So many of these platforms are constantly in danger of creating echo chambers. What I love best about The Bulwark is how it manages never to make me feel as if I am, by listening to it, creating a bulwark for myself against knowing what other people think. Yes, it massively reassures me that there are other people out there who think like I do, but not in a ‘we are right and they are wrong’ cognitive dissonance-boosting way, more by giving us facts rather than the ubiquitous bigotry in this bizarre world of ‘alternate reality’, thereby giving us considered reasons to think the way we do.

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Don't worry...Congress will save us

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Any restraint the courts could institute could be easily got around by Congress passing laws against it.

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Argh! I want to hear all that Judd had to say about Dr. Evil. F**king musk probably flipped a Starlink switch somewhere to interfere with Judd’s signal.

I think musk is the most dangerous, hideous, casually cruel, and frightening character on the world stage right now. But I want to hear everything a genuinely intelligent and informed person like Judd has to say about why he finds musk so troubling.

Can’t JVL get him to finish his thoughts in writing, so we (mainly so I) won’t be left hanging?

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I’ll second that!

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All of this resonates with me and i last voted Dem, have also voted independent and early on Republican. I agree with most people who come on the Bulwark and learn from most. I wrote on my first post that we can’t wait for the non MAGA Republicans to lose their cowardness and we can’t wait for Dems to figure out how to communicate who they are and how to fight back with a felon wanna be King/Dictator. If strength comes from people like many on the Bulwark or many who are jumping onto to SubStack now, then out of these great reasonable minds has to be someone to lead us out of this hell we are in! It is no longer about your political party, maybe even a 3rd party . Bring us a leader who will not destroy what is left of democracy and decency. I will do the work along with many to support this person but i just do no know who to turn to. What i can do is on such a small grass roots level and time is of the essence!!

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Trump gets the money and he lets Elon treat our data and programs like they’re his playground. I don’t know who I despise more. Probably a photo finish.

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Who knows if they’ve picked a few bars of gold bars to add to their wealth. They are all corrupt lying sobs. His crypto reserve is ridiculous. But my biggest fear is what if the people don’t stand up against this AND it roles on for 4, 8 or more years after this term. I don’t want my last memory to be of anger at a nation filled with too many dumb people. JVL, I give to political races, call and write my federal officials, even SCOTUS (figured letter is round-filed), stay tuned locally for any town halls, marches etc to show my anger with Rump etc. On personal side, subscribe to several sub-stacks, that I can afford. Very few residents in my senior complex want to chat. I figure now, maybe if their 401’s are going down, they will take notice.

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JVL, the collars on your tee shirts are all stretched out of shape. Looks sloppy. Talk to Joe Perticone. He will hook you up.

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