That is not true what she said about being safe if you were born after 1957. If you were born between 1957 and 1968 there is a good likelihood that you did not get the live virus and you need another vaccine. Dang, I would not have expected this misinformation here from you guys!

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This is from npr.org. But the advice is from CDC. It is different from what it says on the CDC website now. 🤷‍♀️ Anyway I got was born in 59 and I went and got an MMR shot last week.

“But public health experts say there are some adults who should consider getting revaccinated. That includes older adults who were born after 1957 and were vaccinated before 1968.

That's because early versions of the measles vaccine were made from an inactivated (killed) virus, which didn't work particularly well, Offit says. That's why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that anyone vaccinated before 1968 get at least one dose of the live attenuated vaccine.”

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Why the hell are we spending millions of dollars on maintaining nuclear weapons? It's a terrible return on investment. We've had nukes for nearly a century and we've hardly used them! I haven't seen any nuclear attacks either.

This is the kind of reasoning our society is using to justify driving itself into the ground.

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I had no idea that measles can wipe out your immunity's memory of other viruses, so you might get very sick with something else like the flu after having had measles. And yet Sec. Brain Worm is suggesting everything'll be fine if people load up on vitamin A, and oh by the way aren't these beef tallow fries delicious?

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So I went to the Dr office just after watching this. I asked the Nurse practitioner if I needed to get a MMR vaccine as there is no way for me to know if I had it as a child, she said that when they do my bloodwork they can also look for MMR antibodies.

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I rely on this newsletter and have passed it on to so many people (because my own brilliant doctor recommended it). THANK YOU, Katelyn.

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Is there a way to require proof of vaccination for diseases including measles before allowing people to travel outside and return to the US or to travel into the US from another country? I also think insurance companies should not be on the hook for hospital/medical care for vaccine preventable illnesses - maybe this is the solution?

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Inchoate synthesis on several of JVL's items recently: to what degree is "resilient" the opposite of "efficient?" And which would you prefer your crisis response sections of the government to be? And on the research question, how do the venture capitalist tech bros understand taking 100 chances for one big score in the tech world, but literally nowhere else?

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Loved the show and found a new substacker to subscribe to. So, it's all coming more into focus now. Musk hates old people so wants to gut Social Security and Medicare to hasten their demise but why stop there? Cut the funding to NIH and CDC so they can't develop treatments to help them live longer or for younger people to live long enough to become old people. I believe Dickens wrote about people like that. Something about decreasing the surplus population.

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Love Katelyn. I’ve been a subscriber since March 2020 too

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Thank you for this, JVL and Katelyn! I serve on our county's board of health. Leadership and all staff are wonderful and underappreciated public servants.

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Don't say this very much, but I think it needs to be said.

"You're doing God's work "whether it's realized or not

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Thank you Katelyn! Love YLE!

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I have been reading her for a while now, she is a great writer and particularly capable of writing science stuff for lay folk. This is crazy informative while being an indictment of the ignorance of the American voter. The notion that chaos wasn't guaranteed by voting for the orange felon is beyond me.

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Thanks for having Katelyn on your show. I’ve been reading her newsletter since she started it up, and she is one of my reliable sources on the topics odd public health and epidemiology.

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I have followed Katelyn since the beginning of the pandemic. My husband is recovering from a bone marrow transplant and she has been my "go to" source for monitoring the microbiological trends impacting our country. While her service is free, I will continue to monetarily support her newsletter/staff, and recommend others to do the same. Invaluable information and so easily understood.

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