Zee Germans
America is promoting Germany’s neo-Nazi party while simultaneously making it necessary for the country to acquire nuclear weapons. What could possibly go wrong?
Before we start: I’ll be going live on Substack with Dan Pfeiffer at 1:00 p.m. today. Keep a lookout for an alert. It should be a good conversation.
1. History
At the U.N. yesterday, the American president transferred America’s strategic alliance to Russia. America now sides with Russia, Belarus, and North Korea against Europe.
There is no going back. Europe now understands that it must make long-range security plans by assuming that America will not be its ally and might, in fact, become its adversary. I want to talk about what this means, specifically, for Germany.
I know that no one cares about foreign policy; but this is important. So let me bottom-line it for you:
Germany is going to get nuclear weapons at the exact moment that the German youth vote is becoming fascism-curious.
What could possibly go wrong? Let’s talk about that question.