Lindsey Graham was once one of Donald Trump's fiercest critics—before becoming one of his most important collaborators. His eventual capitulation is really a story about what happened to the whole Republican Party.
The Bulwark presents The Corruption of Lindsey Graham, with Will Saletan.
To listen to the rest of this audio adaptation or to read The Corruption of Lindsey Graham in PDF or Kindle formats at
This series was recently awarded the 2024 Webby People’s Choice Award for Podcasts, News & Politics (Limited-Series & Specials).
This Podcast is what led me to joint the Bulwark. I've been re-visiting it because it tells the story so well of what happened to Graham, and the whole republican party. Brilliant job Will!
One of my favorite lines from the movie "The Big Chill" was from Jeff Goldblum/Michael :"I don't know anyone who could get through the day without two or three juicy rationalizations. They're more important than sex."
Pretty much sums up the sell out by Graham. He wanted to be close to the power, and it turns out he could rationalize it. In the end though, it will be John McCain who gets the last laugh, when he slams the pearly gates in Lindsey's face and tells him sorry bud, you had your chance and you f#$%#% it up big time.
Powerful! Thank you!
UPLOAD TO YOUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL! Yep I am screaming! This needs to be passed around!
This series is off to a great start! Will’s insight into the Trump/Graham madness is well researched and spot on. I can’t wait for the next chapter!
This is an amazing documentary. Fact based, riveting, powerful.
Will you are really great at the audio! You sound like you do it all the time!
This is great. Where's Chapter 2? Can’t wait.
Truly amazing work! Share it EVERYWHERE!
This is SO well done. Congratulations to all and especially to Will. The book was engrossing and this brings it to life. The organization of material, the writing and editing -- worthy of study by other journalists -- pulled together with excellent media choices and Will's great voice. Thank you!
The adage of the scorpion and the frog has been lived out with Graham in bold relief. The scorpion cannot help himself from stinking the frog, it is simply his nature.
Psychopathic malignant narcissists demand unwavering loyalty and blind obedience.
By defaulting to the voters in determining his political bearings, Graham invokes the tail wagging the dog as his guiding compass.
This is so well done. Kudos!
Excellent Will!
Brilliant! Wonderful work, Mr Saletan! Graham is a tragic figure who surrendered his integrity for power. And his spinelessness (and that of so many) has had (and continues to have) tragic consequences for our country. I'm eager to hear the next installments.
Thank you, Will Saletan. You’re very good at what you do.
Absolutely fantastic! Will & company did a masterful job!
Thank you Will- Excellent!
Great job... wish John McCain were still around to shame Lindsey on a regular basis.
I wonder if Lindsey would have made different decisions if McCain were still alive
If he were around Graham may not have come unmoored. Hard to know which way he would have gone.
What a great beginning! I am now living in SC and he is not doing anything for us here. I wish you could get this on FOX News
Will, excellent narration, engaging story. With the actual audio bites from Graham et al and sound mixing quality makes this series very compelling.
Will, this is an excellent and important piece of work. Not only for the Republican Party, but for everyone that values a “place at the table” without thinking about what is being served. It represents the slow, torturous, turn away from what one knows to be right. The rationalizations are breathtaking.
It’s a podcast but I couldn’t turn away!
Party first!
Thanks for sharing this via narration, it's a great listen!
The poison did corrupt and break them!
Thanks Will....and to all of your production staff. I was walking and listening to this episode, and whenever the music came on, it was like being in a dark, surround sound theater.
Extremely engrossing and thought-provoking. Can't wait for the remaining episodes. Excellent job, Will!
First rate. A+.
I’ve got a fever, and the only cure is more Salatan.
Well, as splendid as it was written, it begins/succeeds here totally. The only remotely comparable pieces for me are the two Maddow's. Which until recently, I had thought unequaled.
Question: When are full episodes dropping? I missed that important bit of info to plan my listening sked.
Thank you for this while y'all are taking much deserved vacations. I didn't listen to the whole thing when it was originally released so this is terrific 👍
Lindsey Graham has always liked being next to power.First it was McCain,now it is Trump.Lindsey is like a pike fish swimming close to a shark. DY
Will, your voice is so soothing. It's the perfect tone to allow oneself to absorb the sad and pitiful disent of a man that once had a semblance of integrity; without throwing up.
Really excellent work here! The 2015/16 recordings of Graham sound so quaint. My heart breaks for the loss of a compassionate and reasonable, second party.
Will, I now need you to narrate all of my audiobooks.
This is so well done!
Even better than I expected having already heard the material before. Great job Will (and all those who contributed) - outstanding!
Have you heard from Graham?
Lindsey Graham is the same opportunistic grandstanding creep he has been since the Clinton impeachment. Whatever corrupted him happened a long long time ago. Pass.
His histrionic performance during the kavanaugh hearing was repugnant.
Great production and editing. Looking forward to the next episode. Cheers!
This is an insightful and chilling piece of journalism. Both your written and speaking voices are compelling, Will. Thank you for the time and effort you spent in making this podcast.
I read the first half of the book in preparation for this, and WOW! The book is compelling enough, but this format is amazing. ALL non-fiction audiobooks should be like this -- peppered with audio clips to transport the reader/listener back to that moment. Congrats to all involved!
Thank you! I’ve wondered during the Trump years what happened to Lindsay Graham. How could he have loved John McCain and then become a slavering Trumpie. Can’t wait for the next episodes!
Terrific journalism that lets the facts hold powerful people accountable. Using LG’s logic -- that he had to capitulate to Trump after the voters spoke -- then he should have fallen in line with Biden’s agenda and kicked DJT to the curb after the 2020 election.
Great episode! Compelling, intelligent and I can’t wait for the next one. Well done, Will Saletan, et al!
My skin is still crawling - thanks for one of Bulwark's most powerful episodes, ever. Especially chilling after watching Graham squirming and groveling as the Trump cult members boo him off the stage in his own district/area I will be riveted to this series.
I wonder if Lindsey regrets selling his soul to Trump and MAGA.
The Bulwark has all the best talent. Love this Will.
Serious Grief over loss of self, Lindsey, as a citizen of the UNITED States of America…. Richard Nixon’s loss of self, as OUR President, revealed that with “real evidence”, those members of Congress in both, BOTH parties joined for the real issue…. The UNITED States of America…. Strong word comes to mind for some…. “Traitor” to the UNITED States of America…. I am 87…. I DO HAVE serious and abiding faith in OUR USA!!!! For the Fourth of July and more…. For our UNITED States of America…. Thank you EVERYONE!!!! At the Bulwark!!!! And WE the People!!!! Whew.. Thanks!
Over the weekend,Graham was roundly booed at a Trump rally in South Carolina.Graham was the opening of this Trump rally.Now Graham has found out what happens when you disagree slightly after so much appeasement.One hundred percent loyalty and agreement to the leader is a demanded trait of all dictators, despots and fascists.Thank you Will Saletan for your series on "The corruption of Lindsey Graham".It is also the corruption of a political party.It will take a very long time for America to extricate itself from this corruption. DY
Party over country. As a long-time (mostly) Republican voter, I cannot believe the head of the RNC wants a pledge that all candidates the eventual nominee even if he's a convicted felon. Between the extreme lack of leadership & principles on a national level & then what I'm seeing on a state level (I'm from Texas), I've pretty much decided Republican candidates are all pretty horrible.
What's really depressing is that the whole Trumpism movement has demonstrated that there is a really significant block of voters on the Republican side that espouse such hate & bigotry. And that a good chunk of these solid Trump voters are so-called evangelical Christians! I'm beginning to understand how two different religious groups in Northern Ireland fought each other for years. Honestly, religious leaders should know better than to foment hatred!
A little Devil’s Advocate @kaye , just for fun. The R Party has seen its share of bigots before. They didn’t give in to David Duke. Nor Pat Buchanan. Trent Lott was run out of the Senate for a pretty PG-rated comment relatively speaking. What made Trump different? Was the party afraid of his money? Did the RNC not have an organized plan? I’m hoping this podcast touches on those questions too.
The simple answer is because the elites and base pushed back on the craziest back then. Unfortunately, they’ve been ratcheting up the heavy dosages of fear for the last 20+ years. This set conditions where the elites lost the base - they’re basically just worried about losing power and prestige. So worried they’ll become subservient to some truly disgusting people.
I hear you. Maybe it's because Trump was such a huge bully (or authoritarian) & threatened to primary Republicans that didn't bow down? And I don't think Trump has any moral code whatsoever. The Republicans in Congress during Watergate believed in truth & upholding the law. Nixon had enough shame & intelligence & an understanding of the Constitution and history to resign. Mitch MConnell just doesn't want to have to get his hands dirty with Trump. He doesn't want his acquiescent members to get primaried (or lose ground toward a majority). Kevin McCarthy is completely laughable as a Majority Leader. Yet, they put their desire for leadership positions above the good of the county. Ronna McDaniel is a complete failure in my book. They ALL need to take a page from major league sports -- instead of putting bandaids on (I'm thinking crazy candidates like Herschel Walker & Dr. Oz & Kari Lake) -- just rebuild on the entire Republican side. Who WANTS to be in a party associated with bigots, white nationalists, & just plain crazy people? Space lasers anyone?
Okay, I’m totally hooked.
You are amazing Will. Thank you for your professionalism. New generations need to know the truth and you are an inspiration to them and us today!
Will, Bravo. This was amazing.
This is even better than I was expecting. Will has a good voice. Looking forward to the next episode.
Excellent! Thank you
Thank you, Will! We really appreciate you taking the time to read this in your voice. I was expecting it to be the––albeit completely acceptable––AI voice you all used for the indictment pod.
Happy 4th! 🇺🇸
Congratulations, Will et al. The podcast was engrossing. Excellent chronology and supporting media choices. Just fascinating for us junkies. I’m looking forward to the next episode.
Fallen to the Dark Side, Graham has... Jedi Master Saletan.
It already makes more sense after just 1 episode. I can't wait to hear what's to come.