On this week’s episode, Sonny Bunch (The Bulwark), Alyssa Rosenberg (The Washington Post), and Peter Suderman (Reason) ask if you’re ready for the nascent Mattel Cinematic Universe (as chronicled by the New Yorker here) currently being developed by Hollywood. If you enjoyed Barbie, you’re gonna love Uno! Speaking of: did we love Barbie? It’s the hit of the summer—and could wind up being the highest-grossing movie of the year—but is it any good? If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend!
One quick programming note: No bonus episode this week thanks to home maintenance issues at Casa Bunch, unfortunately. But we’ll be back next Friday with some hot additional podcasting.
Re: the 'homeless' Kens, lol. I saw that a hilarious play on the fact that every girl who plays with Barbies puts them carefully away at the end of the day, in the box or Dreamhouse, etc. There is no reason for Ken to occupy a bed - Ken sleeps between the sofa cushions, or on the closet floor, or maybe under a bush if last needed for an outdoor scene.
Peter squished... My daughter is in her mid 20s, never played with, had or wanted a Barbie and grand daughter under 3 so I wasn't going to see this movie anyway. I know that I enjoyed listening to the 3 of you talking about the movie than I ever would have watching it.
Alyssa Rosenberg’s commentary is fantastic in this episode, asking “is this what it’s like?” to have the cinematic gaze reflect her demographic!
Hard agree! Especially the point about “Closer to Fine”!!
Barbie wasn't that good. In fact, I think you guys gave it too much credit and tried to make it deeper than it was. It was just a 2 hour commercial. Fade Out. Credits.
A story about a doll named Bild-Lilli designed and sold in Germany, two heights and shape and marketed to men as a 'gag' doll with a single-panel cartoon is just not my kind of freedom with its Panton Pink 219, shoot me.. Ruth Handler of Mattel saw them in europe and brought them home to the US and changed Lllli's smirk and sloven come hither look and believe it or not - reduced her breasts and less makeup. Named after Ruth's daughter Barbara. The Bild-Lilli doll looked exactly like Barbie with the changes noted above. She debuted in the US in 1959. Mattel eventually acquired the rights to Bild-Lilli in 1964 and the german doll ceased.
All of my Barbie dolls (5) had the original Lilli look of which I am happy as the latter ones look like they had belladonna drops in their eyes. I found them creepy.
I’m a white guy who subscribes to The Bulwark, Dispatch, NR, WSJ, Blocked & Reported, and The Free Press, and about to turn 49, and I loved Barbie. I am shocked Sonny hated it so much. That scene towards the end with Billie Eilish’s “What Was I Made For?” playing had my wife in tears and me possibly with something stuck in my throat.
America Ferrera’s speech on what it means to be a woman was spot-on and I think you can be a right-leaning or moderate adult male and appreciate the messages in the film without considering them “woke,” which is the laziest of criticisms of this film I’m seeing from the right. I’m not saying Sonny said that, but I’ve heard others on the right do so.
If you’re a human being with women in your life that you love, whether they’re a mother, wife, partner, daughters, sisters, or friends, and neither of those scenes affected you in some way, you should speak with a woman in your life about them and better understand what you missed.
I think Hannah Cox would agree
I liked Ferrera's speech more the first time when it was the cool girl speech from GONE GIRL and also the second time when it was Laura Dern's speech in (Noah Baumbach's!) MARRIAGE STORY.
Well-played, sir. I will allow you that it wasn’t 100% original.
No - you don’t gotta hand it to him! A person who is a fan of superhero movies and sequels and trilogies is in no position to criticize anyone or anything for being “unoriginal”.
And the fact that you both thought they were all talking about the exact same thing in the exact same way for the exact same reason means you probably didn’t really understand the any of those monologues - you just tuned out and dumped them in a box in your mind called “women complaining about how hard it is to be a woman”.
It’s ok - I do that with the obligatory chase scenes and fight sequences in *every* action movie. I’m sure they’re all subtly different and I’m missing something or not appreciating some special visual effect or something but my mind just tunes them out.
First half was very funny. But the tortured second half where they try to construct a feminist narrative about how the fake barbie world with fake doctors and fake presidents dressed so cutely is so much better than the male dominated real world left me saying, "huh"? But I wasn't a little girl who liked to play with Barbie's, so maybe this informercial wasn't meant for me.
Right? perhaps the same reason the little mermaid had to give up her identity - her voice to marry a fisherman. Disney jesus
Why do you think that was the message of the second half? And if the real world was such a horrible place, why does Barbie choose to go back?
I'm going to assume going forward that if Sonny likes a movie, I'm going to skip it. Tar was a snoozefest. I loved Barbie! It taps into the same nostalgia that Toy Story did. As a child, I always imagined that my toys had feelings. When I got new ones, I would reassure the old ones that they were still loved. And now I'm traumatized at the thought of my childhood Barbies over there in Barbieland for all eternity disfigured because my dog chewed on them! At least I didn't chop off their hair and draw on them with markers. (FYI - the joke about the Snyder cut got huge laughs in my theater. Ditto the one about the Godfather. I guess Sonny doesn't find that funny either.)
Good thing about this show: plenty of different perspectives!
I liked Tar, although it was slow-moving. But, I’m with you that it’s safe to say, Sonny and I have very different tastes in movies. I loved Oppenheimer, but I enjoyed Barbie.
My big opinion is that Barbie the movie is a much better effort by Mattel to reassure Zoomers and millennial mothers that it's okay the buy their daughter's Barbies than the tiny shoulders documentary was.
I’m excited to see great movies again! Barbie and Oppenheimer are both amazing movies. 🩷
It’s gender satire haha I thought it was hilarious