Protesters gather around a liquor store in flames near the Third Police Precinct on May 28, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during a protest over the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, who died after a police officer kneeled on his neck for several minutes. - A police precinct in Minnesota went up in flames late on May 28 in a third day of demonstrations as the so-called Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul seethed over the shocking police killing of a handcuffed black man. The precinct, which police had abandoned, burned after a group of protesters pushed through barriers around the building, breaking windows and chanting slogans. A much larger crowd demonstrated as the building went up in flames. (Collage by Hannah Yoest / photos: KEREM YUCEL/AFP /GettyImages)
Today President Trump announced a press conference amidst massive protests in Minneapolis over the death of George Floyd at the hands of police. This was an opportunity for another type of President to try to bring the country together, heal wounds, address the injustice, and channel the righteous anger in the black community and throughout the country. President Trump isn't capable of that. So instead he read an extended teleprompter rant about China and Hong Kong and then simply slunk away. An act of Presidential cowardice. Watch.