Re: "That's never happened in the history of history. I'm the most powerful person in the world. I'm going to go home and I'm going to give it to this black woman. You have to point out a historical example where that's happened."

Bakari said this wouldn't happen because no White man would ever turn over the most powerful position in the world to a Black woman. When I heard this, I was horrified. How could anyone be so blinded by whatever this is to think that? And now Joe Biden has just done it. First time in the history of history.

Tim, it'd be good to go back to him and get something like, what? I dunno. Something. A comment? Seems like when you're this spectacularly wrong, you ought to say something, right?

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In regard to his “fan fiction” comments, how does Bakari like his crow served?

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Unconscious bias

That’s what I heard when listening to this pod (my first since the Thursday debate).

Except the bias against Biden is full on conscious bias.

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Yay! I didn't need my biteguard for this one.

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Okay, Imo, Biden didn't get "his ass kicked at the debate" because that would mean Trump won. Both men did badly but Biden did so in a more alarming way (visual + gaffes vs Trump's word salad).

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Sellers is an unimpressive guest. Yes, Biden won the primaries (before whatever neurological event occurred that he has apparently suffered). Simone Biles is the best gymnast in America; maybe in the world. She's on our Olympics team, selected fair and square by the U.S. Olympics people. Let's say - god forbid! - she were to break her leg today. Would she insist on going to Paris and competing on crutches? I understand, different selection process, but bottom line, she would not be fit to represent her country, and she would know it. Neither is Biden, but he clearly does not understand. Perhaps he is no longer mentally capable of understanding the situation. Did Sellers not watch that cringeworthy "It is all about me!" interview with George Stephanopoulos? Has he not heard George Clooney, who has been Biden's good friend for a long time, say that at a mid-June fundraiser the Biden he saw and spoke with was the same Biden we all saw in the debate? So the debate was not a one-off. President Washington stepped down from power voluntarily; that should be Biden's touchstone. Instead, Biden is apparently aiming to emulate Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and we all know how RBG's decision panned out. This not about Biden! Heaven help America if that stubborn prideful old man can't be made to face reality. I am looking at you, Jill Biden.

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Bakari is gaslighting us. The whole 'we can't do anything about it' is just bs. 'Who you gonna pick?' is bs as Tim immediately said, 'Kamala', and 'it's never happened before' is bs as LBJ resigned.

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Really disappointing segment. Felt like pure spin. "When has a person voluntarily given up the most powerful office in the world?" Well...Nixon? Johnson? Cincinnatus? The first two were not happy about it but they read the writing on the wall. And Cincinnatus? He is still revered for stepping down and has a mid-sized city with a pretty good football team named after him! And also...who cares? "There is no offramp"? Sure there is! It's weird and messy but her name is Kamala, there is a process and we're all pretty sure she still wants the job. Also our current path leads to certain defeat so what the hell, right?

Mostly, I got the sneaking suspicion that he doesn't REALLY believe what he's saying either. And that kind of ticked me off.

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I do find myself largely disagreeing with Bakari’s position here, for many of the reasons Tim outlined. But his comment about giving up power (granted not to a black woman in this case, but very relevant to Biden) made me wonder if anyone has tried making the case that indeed an all powerful Pope, Benedict XVI, retired - virtually unheard of and resulted in questions regarding the possibility of multiple power centers in the Catholic Church as popes are popes for life, etc. Benedict retired in his mid 80s citing his declining health, and lived a peaceful life until his death in 22. I wonder if this wouldn’t be a fitting example for a Catholic President Biden.

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When has a person voluntarily given up the most powerfuld office in the world? Lyndon Johnson in 1968. Humphrey came close to winning the popular vote and, with today's map have come very close to, if not winning, the electoral college.

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I don't know that Bakari is gas lighting. He is being realistic about what is happening though. Before Biden came out to tell us that only the Almighty could make him step down most people felt that the only workable way would be for him to make the choice himself. Now that he has said he isn't going anywhere I think the reason you are starting to see Democrats get behind him is they know it's going to be a real cluster f if its a free for all. There will be no organized team meeting where people agree on the nominee. They are going to be looking like the Republicans picking a new speaker and creating pissed off factions. The time to actually challenge Biden was to get in the primaries and no one stepped up. If they didn't do it then they probably not going to force him out now.

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I was listening to your conversation with Bakari Sellers. He was talking about Essence Fest(?) and how black women will surely vote for Biden. I think this misses the point. While Biden needs to get every registered Democrat, he also needs a decent share of white, non-affiliated voters, especially in places like PA. He did that in 2020. I’d like to hear more about what non-Democrat Biden 2020 voters have to say about what they are thinking re: 2024, especially in swing states. If someone else has a handle on this, please point me there.

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Spin, spin, spin. Tim Miller is right and people need to stand up before it is too late.

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Bakari's comment that no white man has given up power for a black woman - is supremely sad but entirely accurate. This is the argument that makes me believe Joe won't step down.

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I've never believed Biden would step down, but I discount that Kamala Harris as opposed to some white guy as a potential choice to replace him on the ticket makes much difference. This seemed to me to be just another of Bakari's weird bank shot comments that doesn't pass the pressure test. Biden was always stubborn and prickly about his image. Now he's old, stubborn and prickly about his image. Absent some kind of catastrophic event like a seizure or total freeze up, I predict he'll hang on and get through the convention as the nominee. And after that? I'm preparing for the worst.

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What enrages me is the fatalism that while it's never happened, that it never will. Lots of things never happened - until they did! See 2008 when we elected a Black man president. Or 2020, when a woman - a Black woman - became VP. A woman was elected Speaker of the House - twice! Several woman have been confirmed to the Supreme Court.

In the end, we all know we're really voting for Kamala for president, because very few of us think Joe will finish another term. But I'd sure like to see him get off his high horse, acknowledge reality and give her the opportunity to get up on stage and make her case. She would shred Trump in a debate.

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Everything Bakari says here sounds like spin to me. I didn't hear a theory of the case to convince independent voters (many of whom who now apparently look back on the Trump years fondly, based on polling) to vote for Biden. Go out and register more voters isn't going to cut it. The people to convince aren't the ones Bakari is talking to who will do anything to stop Trump--they're the ones in Sarah's focus groups.

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I agree that Bakari's comments were largely unhelpful. But I disagree about what's the best path forward if Biden remains the nominee (which I'm guessing he will). Only increasing the potential base of Democratic voters who see defeating Trump as the most urgent and important thing will have any chance of success. When you listen to independent or Trump-Biden or Clinton-Trump or any other kind of voters (except 2 time Trump voters-they are lost) in Sarah's FGs, you realize they are largely already justifying their upcoming vote for Trump by memory-holing Trump's various crimes in office and saying everything was "better" under Trump. Relying on them or trying to tip them to Biden is a waste of effort.

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It’s too late to pick someone else. It’s time to stop criticizing the Dems choice and start talking about the disastrous results of another Trump administration. Get on board with Biden or watch our country go down in flames. I’m sick of hearing how old he is. He’s old but not stupid. He can do the job and if he leaves office for whatever reason Kamala can handle the job

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Hey Tim--The Ohio Ballot access thing--I am confused if the deadline is still August 7 or if it'snow Aug 23. This article suggests the latter, but people are still talking about the former, including Mr. Sellers in this pod.


Seems to me this is a really important thing to clear up, as well as to find out if Dems current plan is still a virtual roll call or not

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Yeah Ohio is not an issue I just had limited time with him and didn’t want to get bogged down in that

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Came here to say the same thing--I don't know why people are still repeating this thing about Ohio when it's not true. They changed the law. The only justification for still having the early roll call I've seen is that Republicans could sneakily change the law after the convention but before it goes into effect. But there doesn't seem to be any reason to believe that, given that they called a special session specifically to change this law.

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