Liz Cheney should be commended for her integrity. It's also worth noting that you can probably count the number of current Republican voters who'd be influenced by her announcement on the fingers of two hands, and have enough left over to count the players on a starting basketball team.

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One critical comment from Liz Cheney recently that most American cannot seem to digest into their brains, is fact that all the rhetoric on Donald Trump and/or J.D. Vance as well as all the mentally deficient Republicans in Congress by so-called major media is of no consequence if nearly half voting population is completely deranged in their value system and inability to ingest known facts to make sensible, intelligent voting decisions..

Every identified Republican I encounter cannot answer one simple multi-part question .." Do they want their children or grandchildren or any children in their family or friends' families to accept or practice outright pathalogical 'lies', refuse to follow Jesus Christ teachings if they are Christian, hate others and denigrate fellow Americans just because of their ethnicity or race, and automatically revere community and business leaders proven guilty in US courts of Law of stealing/fraud/rape, even as proud Republicans?

Unequivocally they answer No!, but never utter a word further if I then ask why they vote for Trump/MAGA representatives who accurately fit the question definition.

Very many Americans are intellectually and emotionally dysfunctional and refuse to look into a mirror to see the real problem and dilemma leading this nation into self destruction, for second time in 160 years.

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"...Donald Trump, the most dangerous demagogue to emerge in American politics since Wallace, but made more dangerous by his greater electoral success."

Most of my comments in recent months are about TURNOUT, which is the biggest variable in this election. In 2020 only 66% of eligible voters voted, and there's no reason to expect that it has changed much - yet. I just read Marc Caputo's column that noted that JD Vance's role in the Trump campaign is to increase turnout among the "base." In retrospect that's a no-brainer, because there's no way Vance or Trump will win over Reagan Republicans, much less independents and Democrats. That base WANTS a president that's above the law, refuses to concede legitimate losses, never apologizes or takes responsibility for anything, a convicted felon who stole classified documents and obstructed their return. Who would return to office with ONLY loyal protectors, and none of the "guardrails" of his first term. They are fired up. We Never-Trumpers are a much more diverse group than the "Stepford" Trump voters. We need to be even more fired up than they are. Let's give Harris/Walz an electoral landslide! Then, maybe in 2028 we can get back to our on internal disagreements on all the other issues (inflation, abortion, immigration) and have a GOP candidate who has earned votes, like Liz Cheney.

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Thank you, Liz! You are a patriot!

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I was so thrilled to read that Liz had endorsed Kamala (and so eloquently), but then to discover that it happened at Duke gave me goosebumps. My late husband adored Duke basketball and Coach K, as did his best friend, JVL’s father-in-law. My Joe would be loving every minute of this. Thank you, Liz, for your wonderful example of true patriotism.

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Beautiful column, beautiful statement by Liz Cheney who will go down in history.

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Ms. Cheney, you've got true grit!

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S-o-o, commentator Benny Johnson was upset because he could not post the murder of two reporters? Does anyone else sense the cold hand of karma laying upon Benny?

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Liz Cheney’s talk at Duke needs wide circulation to drive home the fact this is not an election about policy, it is an election about those who believe in the law and the constitution and a person who does not. To impact the key audience this needs to be on the editorial page of the WSJ and newspapers and electronic media across the country. We need our leaders to have the courage of Liz Cheney and stand up. How can we help make this happen now?

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Ms. Cheney's loyalty to our Constitution and government echo, for me, past - and perhaps forgotten - examples of political courage for our Constitution and government, such the stand made by George Helm Yeaman in support of the 13th Amendment in 1865.

God Bless the United States of America.

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I'm Liz for AG pilled!

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Love the piece on Liz Cheney. So thankful to her.

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Thank you, Liz Cheney, for your powerful comments in support of the Democratic ticket, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law.

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REM song title + Christopher Nolan movie title = 10 points

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As someone who lives in the WDBJ-7 market who watched Alison Parker (along with the work of cameraman Adam Ward) every morning, all I have to say is fuck Benny Johnson.

Alison's father has been fighting for almost 10 years now to keep footage of her murder off YouTube/the internet. As if it wasn't enough that he had to deal with his daughter's cold-blooded execution as she was reporting on Hometown Happenings, he's had to deal with those vultures who think they are entitled to keep ripping open that wound.

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Is America ready to vote for a woman president? The question is asking about the aggregate of our individual votes. Of course America is ready to vote for a woman as president. We already did once. Hillary Clinton won by 3,000,000 votes, but it was not enough to overcome the Electoral College anomaly, that's all. Her odd loss took everyone by surprise in 2016.

Now we all understand. Even a white male, if he is a Democrat, needed a 7,000,000 popular vote margin to win the Electoral College by a mere 44,000 votes while Trump could get the same Electoral College result with a DEFICIT of 3,000,000 votes. Everybody now understands. The real , but unstated subtext of the question is whether America is ready to vote for a non-white woman. Trump's quibbling about whether that non-whiteness comes from the Indian side or the Jamaican side is irrelevant.

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Keep in mind that Clinton won the popular vote with just a 66% voter turnout. That's an average; it was probably a bit less among those preferring her over Trump. And there's no reason - yet- to expect it to be significantly higher now. Worse, we can expect a small but significant % to not vote for Harris solely because she is a woman and/or non-white. Which means that we Never-Trumpers must not even think of not voting, or throwing votes away on a 3rd party candidate.

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