Now that we know that Chip Roy is all talk, can the mainstream media please stop paying attention to him?

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No. The answer is no, they cannot. They seek out any potential for 'drama' like a heat-seeking missile on an afterburner. Almost wonder if trump coordinates these 'conflicts' to help out our national infotainment industry.

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Donald Trump is the Director of the Congressional & Presidential Politics Reality TV Show.

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Scripted Reality TV, great insight. Getting ready for an exclusive 4 year run! I hope their ratings stink.

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you beat me to that observation.

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Yes, he does, very succesfully.

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I want to see/hear Chip when the bill costing ~$100 billion to depart illegal immigrants is brought forward. He consistently demands that new spending must come from cuts to existing program expenditures. He’s got lots of active and retired military voters in his district, and non military retirees. His options to cut get pretty limited if you want to keep those groups happy.

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Let's get real. There is no way that the two "hold-outs" did not gain something of value to each of them individually from their session with Mealy-mouthed Mike in the "wood-shed". It will become clear in the near future what that was, either by leaks or by on the floor actions. And I appreciate your observation, Joe, of the magic number, nine.

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I actually don't think Trump REALLY cared whether Johnson or some other lickspittle was elected Speaker. As long as they roll over and play dead on command he will accept anyone.

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And, I don't think we should care who the person is, we just need to be writing to object to everything we can, and send money to people who are dragging everything out in court. Kathleen Weber repeated what Jonathan Last said about Resistance is Silent, and how one can sabotage from within. https://kathleenweber.substack.com/p/resistance-is-silent

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“No quid pro quo here..” I am laughing. Sure Mike.

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Again, please: not „president eject“ - this serial criminal, pathological liar, America-hater, traitor, does not deserve this title. Please call him as he is - CONVICTED FELON ELECT!!!

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I actually like “President eject”- it conjures up a very funny image!

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Except that Jettison Donald Vain then takes over.

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I wasn’t thinking of results, just enjoying the images in my head! Sometimes I need a good chuckle.

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The nickname does bring a smile to one's lip...😁

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CONVICTED OLD FELON ELECT works for me, too, COFE for short, and not only because it is close to, and reminds us of, Cofefee or however he spelled that "word".

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idk - "president eject" sounds a lot like "president reject" which is a nice concept to contemplate and who knows what the future will reveal.

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No one was going to deny Trump’s certification on Monday. It was performance art. IMO, he would not have brought his kids and wife to the dance if it was going to be a bloodbath.

Now the rest of the year, now that he has performed as a tool, I hope the Ds don’t help unless it serves us.

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Or sell Trump Branded tickets while wearing his tennies!

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IMHO the only reason Trump cared about this is because someone told him that unless a Speaker was elected quickly, his election wouldnt get certified on Monday. all bets are off on Johnson remaining once the 2024 election is certified

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Live another day. Wasn't that a Bond movie? Or maybe it was Die another Day. Whatever. Mike Johnson lives another day to be thrown under the bus at Trumps whims. Then he will Die another day.

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Maybe "The Attorney Who Directed The Donald's Attempt At Overthrowing The Government" - Die Hard With a Renewed Vengeance.

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Good one! I like to think of new shows, game shows or movies that are appropriate for today's politics. How about Space Jam starring MJ (Mike Johnson that is)

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The first word refers to the area between his ears, right, Dave?

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Right, Mike didn't die today, but as you say, that movie is due out in just a matter of time. It might be entitled Die Hard With a Renewed Vengeance.

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I like all of the Die Hard memes, but reality tells me that it will be more like Go Quietly Into The Sunset.

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Tks Joe for the reporting. This is unlike anything else I read. You are a gem.

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He really is! Such a great addition to the Bulwark!

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Welcome to MAGAland, where borderline disfunction is the norm, and a crisis narrowly averted is SOP. And coming up, four more years of this! Way to go, America! Geez.

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I'm willing to take bets that it will only be two years....optimist that I am.

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“There’s no quid pro quo here. I don’t do anything in exchange for a vote other than commit to make this institution work as effectively and efficiently as possible.”

This is so breathtakingly hypocritical, he has never managed anything remotely like governing without democrats. Maybe it is time for democrats to stop rescuing him and just let him twist in the wind.

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Unless what is on the table is in our small "d" democratic interest, and not that of Evil Elon and his band of Techbros, just to pick some enemies of the that interest at random.

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Michael rowed the boat ashore, but it's a damn leaky vessel.

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I have no idea what Johnson was promised (not much if anything, I would guess) or promised, but his chain will get yanked all the time and his speakership will constantly be under threat, even if there are no other choices. Johnson has chosen this path and he is welcome to it. My sympathy will be with those who did not ask for what's coming.

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Any over/under on whether he's still speaker on Jan 22?

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I'll bet a head of iceburg lettuce and raise you some spinach.

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Much as I prefer 22 Jan, I suspect it will take until at least 1 Feb 2025. After all, how many "working" days are there for the House after 22 Jan, anyway? And as Joe pointed out, it now takes nine clowns to enter the ring, not just one.

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There is a for-real sausage factory about 30 miles from my house. I've never toured it and have no intention of doing so, for much the same reason I probably will never set foot in the capitol building...and I was a medic in Vietnam, so it's not like I haven't seen some very nasty shit.

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A good troll would be for some D members of the House to give some of their constituents honest-to-God tours of the Capitol complex on the 5th and 6th to show that actual tourists do not photograph back stairwells or show up armed wearing tactical gear.

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Thank you for the detailed summary. Such a pleasure to read a cogent analysis that major media fails to report. They rely instead on drama llama nonsense.

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