I'm listening to this for the first time and there is no mention of the money question. The idea is to throw some who has no name recognition into the race without the campaign's money and current planning, organization, and field offices etc. Whitmer and Shapiro could crash and burn in a presidential race. I'm sure Biden is aware of these problems when he makes decisions

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Welp. I guess Biden is staying in. No choice but to do what a great man says, “Strap on!”

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TNL crew is my favorite Bulwark offering, but this pod was really rough. JVL broke me. Tim depressed me. Sarah infuriated me. However, I can understand because she has been telling me for many months that she is building an Anti Trump coalition, not a Pro Biden coalition, so she doesn’t hear from those who are happily voting for Biden-Harris. Perhaps she is working on a two time Biden voter focus group that will air soon to see if they have abandoned Biden? In my Pro Biden/Anti Trump circles, committed voters are mad that Trump continues to lie, say crazy stuff and promises dangerous actions in another term. They are all still voting for Biden despite the debate. It seems odd to offend/risk these voters who have not been wavering on Biden-Harris for years to choose another nominee. Who are the voters who have changed their intended vote for Biden? Wondering if they are more likely to support (1) Biden-Harris or (2) Harris with somebody else. If the concern is that Biden cannot govern because of…[declined mental capacity, slowness, looking old, whatever], then the calls should be for him to resign now. Not staying put and not running for reelection.

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We must keep the pressure on the Democratic leadership and President Biden himself to step down. We cannot lose the momentum of this moment or we’re lost a repeat of 2016. Not even- because then Hillary was leading in the polls.

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time for you guys to move out of this remove Biden ***t and start defending our democracy. It's Biden or Harris - SCOTUS decisions have made it clear - we need to unite now - no time for political fantasy football. Please kill this remove Biden meme - time to unite.

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The time to remove Biden was last year, when JVL (who is obviously not always right) was a total Biden stan. The clock cannot be turned back - i.e., we cannot make it as if Biden did not already win the Democratic primary. It's too late to panic now - the commitment has been made, and we have to move forward.

Furthermore, there is no evidence that another candidate would perform better against Trump than Biden - or that such a candidate could be nominated. (The one exception is Michelle Obama, but it's pretty clear she's not interested.)

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I take strong objection to Tim's crass description of Lehigh Valley congresswoman Susan Wild at the end of the podcast with J-Mart as a "mid-bench house woman". We love Susan here in the Lehigh Valley, she's been a fierce advocate of the democratic agenda and has skillfully held one of the most dynamic and highly competitive swing districts in Pennsylvania. I hope the Bulwark doesn't think they can continue to run their focus groups in Bethlehem while they spout this sort of slanderous drivel about our representative.

I encourage Tim and the Bulwark team to amend this egregious faux pas by having Susan on the podcast at their earliest opportunity!

#We Need a Wild Woman in the House


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Remember Hillary prosecuting the election like it was normal. It was not normal then and it is not normal now.

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Unfortunately, Democrats did not learn their lesson from Hillary's loss. They still don't want to focus on Trump's unfitness. It won't matter who the Democratic candidate is if s/he continues to treat Trump as normal.

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As lawrence summers discussed, very few people actually saw the debate. The current format is unwatchable, stupid and useless

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More radical (not violent) action is called for.

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This is not a normal election in a normal political environment. Up is down. Left is right. Right is wrong. Reacting in a normal, reasoned way is non-sensical. Processing this as normal is a waste of mental energy.

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Assuming a ticket change, re Harris and doubts, I don't understand. Her numbers are comparable to Bidens and she has the clear advantage of being significantly younger than Trump and Biden. Good with women, youth, POC. The case is made well here: https://wapo.st/3xEdgEp

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Agree that the vitriol is unwarranted, I hope members will stop that now.

Please read the transcript - it is not as bad as some are making it, but TRUMP is deranged, lying, and scary af.


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Having discussions about this is important and I appreciate that the folks at Bulwark and others are sharing their thoughts- however unpopular-and the hard truth. The vitriol and aggression in too many people’s comments and in the posts calling for cancelled subscriptions to various outlets is alarming. It reminds me of magas leaving fox after that outlet called Arizona for Biden.

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I waited a couple of days before listening to this because of the immediate reactions to the debate on Friday. I did not watch the debate because it’s painful for me at any time and always have ignored them. I am a high information voter and a reliable Democrat so right up front, I’m still “Riding with Biden”. I try to read/listen as much as I can from all kinds of viewpoints and I am willing to change my mind. I appreciate all of you and your analysis and thoughts on the debate and the aftermath. If the Democratic convention blows up, then I’ll guess I’ll have to deal with it then. The folks I talk to in my immediate circle are hanging in with Biden because Trump is a disaster. A lot can happen in the next few months. You know what I would like to see? More emphasis on Trumps crimes, his narcissism and his own issues with competency. I wish our Media outlets would do better with all of those but everyone is looking for revenue and Trump sells. I understand I’m not saying anything important but Bulwark folks, I appreciate you even when I vehemently disagree with you.

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Well stated. A silver lining from Thursday's debate is it has made ALL Democrats passionate again about having the best presidential candidate to put forward against Trump. Passion has never waned on the left regarding a Trump defeat but it has been diluted with respect to the Democratic candidate likely poised to take on Trump. The internal fire now is a good thing however it manifests itself, we just need to make sure we keep it burning through November 5th.

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It’s the Sunday after, and I’ve had several days to digest Thursday night’s so-called debate and the criticisms after it. Way too much is made of Biden’s performance and not enough is made of what Trump actually said. So, who do we want as our next President… someone who is FOR America, or someone who is AGAINST America?

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