I also couldn’t stand Moonrise Kingdom, but I’m really happy to have read this review before seeing the movie, because when I do (sometime this weekend) my mindset won’t be so dead set against the whole whimsy of it all. I’d like to enjoy Wes Anderson movies again. Also, anyone else Bill Murray tapped out? He’s like comedy Meryl Streep to me.
I was really interested to learn that I actually saw Dune in one of the biggest Imax theaters, and after reading your article about Imax I think I'm going to see it in Imax again tomorrow.
I also couldn’t stand Moonrise Kingdom, but I’m really happy to have read this review before seeing the movie, because when I do (sometime this weekend) my mindset won’t be so dead set against the whole whimsy of it all. I’d like to enjoy Wes Anderson movies again. Also, anyone else Bill Murray tapped out? He’s like comedy Meryl Streep to me.
I was really interested to learn that I actually saw Dune in one of the biggest Imax theaters, and after reading your article about Imax I think I'm going to see it in Imax again tomorrow.